What The Word Will Do For You
DAILY VITAMIN - What The Word Will Do For You "This is my comfort and consolation in my affliction: that Your word has revived me and given me life." (Psalm 119:50 AMP) The story of Elisha is similar to a lot of us men. He had just begun his stewardship as a squire to one of God's holy prophets- an opportunity that was worth more than gold, being a feat that was very hard to come by back then. However, all of a sudden God was going to cut short this service, at least that's what it looked like. Elijah tried to leave him at Gilgal, but he persisted to serve unto the end; the seers blabbed about how their visions were pointing to his disadvantage, yet he kept his eyes not on their words, but on the truth of God's will for his life. And this he continued in with persistence until he himself grew into a servant of God, from the steward of a servant. What's the lesson here? In life, times would come when it would seem as though all hope is lost.....that that o...