How We Must Live As Christians

- How We Must Live As Christians  
"The person who has My commands and keeps them is the one who [really] loves Me; and whoever [really] loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I [too] will love him and will show (reveal, manifest) Myself to him. [I will let Myself be clearly seen by him and make Myself real to him.]" (John 14:21 AMP)
A lot of us do not only visualize God's rule as something we personally decide its efficacy, but we also act out this silly idea. In case you never knew, the rule of God is basically Theocracy, not autocratic nor democratic: meaning that He does not force us to the stripes to obey His laws, neither does He expect us to create other laws other than the ones He instructed us to follow; but rather He gives us a word, and expects we do well to comply with it to reap His benefits.
In ancient Israel, God picked out a prophet from the masses, and spoke through him...saying..''Obey My voice, and do them, according to all which I command you: so shall ye be My people, and I will be your God'' (Jeremiah 11:4); but regardless of His consistent speeches, they failed to comply to this primary instruction. That was back then.
What about now?
Dating it to our age, the very step of staying a Christian is still our compliance to this primary duty; for if we do not comply, then we'll supposedly be in service to a God who doesn't truly see us as His people. He said "If ye continue in my word, then are ye indeed my disciples" (John 8:31).
It is one thing to be a believer, and another to be a Christian. You may not understand this, but it's true. Believing makes you a believer in whatever you believe in; but living a life that is submissive to God's will as Christ was makes you a Christian. And that's the life God demands of us: The Christ-like life.
The question then is, how much of God's words do you hold in high esteem? How high is the ratio of your God-service to Self-service? Or are you like the bewildered Israelites who played democracy, choosing when to serve God - obeying Him at difficult periods, and then when at ease run to the calf? In which this attitude made them detestable as to not enter the land of promise.
Democracy is a great system of government with men; but with God, He gives the instructions, and we obey. Remember, even at that He's still not a dictator nor a tyrant as many earthly rulers are. He always gives us a choice, even when there's no other option more perfect for us than His. Every instruction of God is never to frustrate us, but to promote us (Deuteronomy 10:13). His words are designed to groom us for the reception of our heritage in Christ (Acts 20:32). And the more we obey Him, the more we experience the life that He has prepared for us.
Note, to receive the exposé of bliss we sternly yearn for, we must be at obeisance to His Theocratic rule (Jeremiah 11:5), following Him at His every word in faith as the old patriarches did.
Hence, if you have been failing at this before, make a U-turn back to where God is, and where He expects you to be to reap the benefits of the patriotic citizens of His nation.


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