Fear God

- Fear God
"That you may [reverently] fear the Lord your God, you and your son and your son's son, and keep all His statutes and His commandments which I command you all the days of your life, and that your days may be prolonged." (Deuteronomy 6:2 AMP)
The impartiality of God is stated clearly in Scripture, when He said 'I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance'(Mark 2:17), and also when He said through Paul ..'the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared unto all men' (Titus 2:11); but regardless of this impartial move of God unto all men, we still find some as saints and others as sinners, despite His coming the first time for the sinner, and at the latter days the saints.
By studying the lives of these selected few that are still kept right, we realize that one attribute that made them the selected is written in the scroll of Malachi....''My covenant was with him of life and peace; and I gave them to him for the fear wherewith he feared Me...''(2:5) - the fear of God in them made them wise unto salvation, but as time passed by, most of them began to adopt the testimony of the outcasted Israelis as those who feared God but still served self (2 Kings 17:33).
Living in the fear of God has its many benefits. Benefits that have been proven overtime to outlast time itself. And as such it becomes very essential that we uphold our standards towards the life that leans on it. But the issue here isn't the knowledge, but the application of this acquired knowledge. In the opening text, Moses urges us to apply it, but the people of Northern Israel as recorded in the book of Second Kings had other plans altogether.
The question is, since the day you were selected, have you remained the same, or have you dropped into the line of these ones?
God taught us true Christianity using the scenario of Martha and Mary; for while Mary held on to Jesus, damning all other substitutes, Martha was more concerned with the non-saving activities of men that provided a sense of religious efficacy.
Thus, is your life centered on God or only on self? On Christ or on religion? On duty or on desire? God seeks the man who fears Him, and wills to walk only with the man who would remain in the fear of God. Or, are you willing to forfeit everything God has for you just to get all you seek for yourself?
Are you willing to please self even if it displeases God? If yes, then it is expedient for you to correct that notion; for as a man created, it is your duty first to fear God (Ecclesiastes 12:13), but if otherwise is done, we break that succinct rule, and reap the consequences.
Hence, to him who seeks wisdom, wisdom is the fear of God (see Job 28:28) - not because it makes you the boldest man or the most eloquent on earth, but because it keeps you as the most sensible and safest of all children of men against what awaits.
Once again, Obey God and not self; for for Himself did He make man, and not for the will of selfish flesh.......and so I plead..Fear God, serve Him...never serving your own idea of a god, but the only one true God. Do that from today, and you'll never a cause to regret!


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