Becoming The Effective Leader God Desires (1)

- Becoming The Effective Leader God Desires (1)
Regardless of the actions of our earthly rulers, leadership trainers, book writers, the greatest place to find the basics of leadership is in the ever true word of God. It reveals to us what effective leadership truly is all about. And this is important because God loves a leader, and He wants each and every one of us to be one.
Note, a leader differs from a ruler; for while a ruler may be selfish, a leader is and must be selfless; a leader is compassionate, a leader is much more inclined towards a lifestyle that is actually 'more of them' than 'more of me'. A leader sees the expectation of his subjects before his; a leader lays down his life for the sheep. And that's why He (God) loves a leader- something which you and I must learn to become, because He Himself was a leader when He delivered Israel before Egypt; a leader when He took the cross we were doomed to carry, a leader even as He leads us daily as our Counselor, Comforter, and Friend.
The Bible laid down gold-crested principles for leadership; one of which is found in the chronicle story of David and his men.
 At the point of a siege by multiple nations, Israel were but outnumbered, yet instead of the captain of its host, Joab, to freeze out in fear as the maker of the Titanic did when he secretly escaped from the sinking ship, Joab turned to his second-in-command saying 'Be of good courage, and let us behave ourselves valiantly for our PEOPLE, and for the cities of our GOD, and let the Lord do that which is good in His sight' (1 Chronicle 19:13).
In the midst of fear, despite being strangled by it, Joab refused to yield to it, not because he couldn't or didn't want to, but because there were people under him who needed him to be bold, to be courageous.
There were people under his care whom he needed to impute confidence and hope into. Joab had a role to play, and he played it well; not only because he won the battle, but also because from that verse, it can be deduced that his primary concern at that moment was the edification of his people, and the desire of God. His consciousness was set on how to bring his people that which they needed, and not just what he assumed they could get by with. It says, paraphrased, "...let us stay for the sake of the cities of our God''.
Thus, what is your primary concern in every decision you make and every action you take? For to be a leader, you must be more concerned of others' than of your own selfish desires. It is a duty, not a license to play naughty. To be the leader God expects us to be, we must be not just the people's man, but the man for the people; the leader who would stand before the ship, protecting it from the 'bergs' no matter the cost.
Hence to be a scholar on leadership 101, be the leader God desires of men. And you start now by doing what we just learned from Joab: which is, the selfless nature to be given completely to service.


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