Made To Meet Needs

- Made To Meet Needs
"To grant [consolation and joy] to those who mourn in Zion--to give them an ornament (a garland or diadem) of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, the garment [expressive] of praise instead of a heavy, burdened, and failing spirit--that they may be called oaks of righteousness [lofty, strong, and magnificent, distinguished for uprightness, justice, and right standing with God], the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified." (Isaiah 61:3 AMP)
Many years ago, something happened that made me realize how selfish even the most selfless could sometimes appear to be, even if he never intended to.
An acquaintance of mine, whom I needed to see for a particular need of mine, came hurriedly with this glare stuck on her face as she narrated some difficulties she was presently experiencing at that moment, but being under the spell of how important I thought my need was, I became so insensitive as to not see that she had a problem she really needed to be solved; and then I got the response no one desires to hear....'How can you be so self-centered?'
To me, I might not have wanted to be self-centered, but my unprecedented action that minute made me so, because regardless of how great your need may be, you must never miss the opportunity God gives to you to help procure the solution needed to solve another man's problems.
God expects us to be lights in this dark world. And a light source doesn't really care who is casting his own light on it, it just knows it has to illuminate wherever it is. We all have needs, but we find our essence best when we meet the needs we are designed to resolve.
Thus, when you place the need to help others in their critical moments above your need to get all your wants, you achieve a bigger reward; because in doing so, not only do you paste a smile on a person's face, but you also draw yourself closer to realize the need you really needed to get accomplished, and got accomplished......
Therefore, how self-centered have we been in our daily lives? Think about it!
When Lazarus laid sick , his sisters sent a correspondence to Jesus that he was close to death. It wasn't recorded that they brought a horse to convey him to Bethany, nor any food item to sustain Him while on the road; yet Jesus whether or not He had eaten saw a need to help the problem-stricken family. It didn't matter how far the distance was, or how stressful it would be to walk from Judea to Bethany on foot, even if it did cost pain and time, but on seeing a problem that needed to be eradicated, He made Himself available, which He eventually did solve.
The actions of Jesus teaches us to pay as much attention to the suffering of others even as we do ourselves. It is not that wanting your own need is a bad thing to do, but whenever we see a need that could edify people around us of the God we claim to have within us, let's put all we have to achieve that need of edification. "Just as I myself strive to please [to accommodate myself to the opinions, desires, and interests of others, adapting myself to] all men in everything I do, not aiming at or considering my own profit and advantage, but that of the many in order that they may be saved" (1 Corinthians 10:33).
Note, the rich fool wasn't under any obligation to help anyone, but before God he was extremely self-centered, and was punished for it; because your ability to turn a blind eye in the presence of a problem needed to be solved shows how less of Jesus you are becoming.
Hence, to be as Jesus, always keep an open eye for every single problem God has empowered you to be a solution to,....and when the time comes, be that solution indeed!


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