Embracing Repentance

- Embracing Repentance
"For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: In returning [to Me] and resting [in Me] you shall be saved; in quietness and in [trusting] confidence shall be your strength." (Isaiah 30:15 AMP)
The picture of Hansel and Gretel's escapade is a similitude to what God was explaining to Jeremiah as Israel's malady. Hansel and Gretel went through a path in the dark woods close to their small hamlet, placing stones even as they went, just in case they missed their way, to aid their quick returning, but as they went further they discovered they were the more lost; yet instead of returning, they kept on walking until it led them to the cavern house of biscuits of which one could have all of its pleasures, only to be sacrificed later by the old fiery witch inside.
Many individuals have the same syndrome; they see themselves derailing from the faith, yet instead of admitting they were wrong and return back to God, they keep on moving unto apostasy, saying ''There is no hope, but we will walk after our own devises''(Jeremiah 18:12); and at the end end up being spewed out. They are the ones who stay look lukewarm even when there's a chance to get heated up.
You may be in this state as at now. I may too; but what's important is that God seeks our returning, saying 'Return ye backslider (Jeremiah 3:12)....return to Me, and I will return to you'. He made it His utmost priority that no man should perish, but that all should have life; and if He desires this, then why can't we? ...Why must we desire the seething pot of destructions and the death in it?
This is life, take it....take repentance, and let God be ours' again. And so He says "Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28)
Hence, know that God seeks your repentance - a returning to where God kept man from the very day we breathe life at Eden. Note, repentance is the primary step to the realization and the acquisition of what calvary. was planted for- for our own very redemption. Repentance is what God sought for ( as of old), and still seeks (as of now), because that is where it all begins..... A RETURN TO HIM!
So if you're among the category who need to repent of their 'Hansel and Gretel' gadded lifestyle, now is that time; for tomorrow is only a few hours from today, and yet it may never come.
Thus, if you're ready, make a commitment to devote your life completely to Him. Use your words, but ensure it's coming from a sincere heart. If you just did that, then congratulations, because it's the greatest choice we can ever make. Maintaining fellowship with God is the most profitable decision we can ever make in life. And you just did that. Again, congratulations.


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