Practicing The Word

DAILY VITAMIN - Practicing The Word The words of God carry a soothing aura of rest, and if only we can hold on to it, life would be a whole lot easier, because by the strength of the Word, He carries our burdens, and bears our cares. The prophet Micah, in those medieval days, wrote a line I love so much; he wrote....Do not My [God's] words do good to him that walk uprightly (Micah 2:7). The fulfillment of the word, as reiterated in those words of Micah, reaches completion fully in the lives of the upright. Upright here signifies the strictly obedient ones. Those who take God at His word, and practice all He instructs to the latter. The Bible emphasizes on how an upright man is a delight to God, and to the people; and so uprightness is a nature and character all men must covet, for it is a carrier of integrity and a conduit towards blessings. But this is where I'm truly driving at: the words of God are always ready to be fulfilled (Isaiah 55:11), yet they are quickened only...