Getting It Right In Love

- Getting It Right In Love
 "And Isaac brought Rebekah into his mother Sarah's tent, and she became his wife. He loved her deeply, and she was a special comfort to him after the death of his mother." (Genesis 24:67, NLT)
From the rear, I can hear the words "what makes you think you can write about this? You're not married and apparently aren't 'in love' presently".
Touché; but while that may sound right, it's like telling a therapist he can't help you beat the addiction simply because he isn't addicted. You see, what experience may miss, observation and learning won't.
And more so, who told them I haven't? Well, let's leave that for another day. Now, Love?
For a long time, I have focused my attention on exploring and teaching about the love of God and the need for us to appropriate the same. But right under our noses, I have seen a plethora of young men and women get swindled by the idea of love adorned in the disguise of promiscuity and sensuality. And our present definitions of love prove that.
Love is a privilege. We are fortunate to actually get to truly love someone in a lifetime. It is a virtue that makes all things beautiful. God knew this, and so He said that to truly enjoy your union, regardless of how spiritual you think you are, 'husbands love your wives'.
You see, love is not the sound of-or the highly tensed sparks of-the fire cracker that gets everyone's attention; it is the serene presence that is left when all the glamor has waned. And so rushing towards the person who brings the sparks isn't wisdom, because if it isn't real, after a while they'd disappear.
As much as you don't pick who loves you, you sure do pick who you love. It is never an accident, it is a decision. And getting that decision right is what either makes it a journey towards bliss, or a hell hole camouflaged in the fairy tale cliché of happy ever after.
The Big Decision:
So, how do you know when you're in love with someone? Like someone said, you know when you know.
Love is simply characterized in First Corinthians 13, but it seems as though that isn't enough for the kind of people I encounter these days. They're always using the 'spark' word like anyone ever said love was a fire. They want a captivating definition for an excuse to tell themselves that the machos sitting close to them loves them even if by reading the signs they know isn't true.
And just so you know, who you spend the rest of your life with is the second most important decision of your life, after that of how you choose to live it, because it determines how your life eventually winds up in the path of destiny. It doesn't deserve just anything random, but a precise, focused and sincere choice that won't be severed by any eternal consequence.
Your heart is yours and so is the responsibility to rightly choose whom you give it to. Nevertheless, whomever they are, just make sure they bring comfort to your soul from the many tyrannies of life as was Isaac.
So, how do you know?
The first thing you should know is that you know someone is the right person for you not because your heart skips every time you see them. That's the contemporary world's opinion, but it's not the perfect reference because panic and fear also makes the heart skip too.
On the contrary, when it's the right person, you feel a sense of peace, because that's what true love does- it casts away all fears. It brings an unusual comfort to your soul and rest to your spirit that all the sparks in the world can't sustain.
It's not just about how beautiful they are in every way, but how beautiful they make you in every way. About how they make you want to quit the habit without even saying or doing a thing. About how they make you want to be better than you currently are- not in a bossy way, but in a way that it becomes you convincing yourself to because of the light they pour on you.
Love is an inside thing, and so when the light breaks through, the darkness ebbs away.
Thus, don't think you love someone because they make you feel good- for even a drug can do that; you do when they make you good. Because only God can do that, and God is love; so when it does happen, you should know it is there.


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