Living For Possibilities

- Living For Possibilities
"All things are possible for him who believes" (Mark 9:23)
God has given unto man the key to the labyrinth of possibilities. That is to say, that you as an individual has all it takes to be all you want. You can be anything and everything you desire to become.
You possess deep within yourself all things required to get that which is desired. In a simple sentence, you are a treasure of possibilities- a treasure in that it's only in digging deep that you would discover how much you have embedded in your Person.
Just like we are, Gideon was a regular wheat thresher, believing all he was good at were threshing and hiding. Oh yes, he thought himself a good hider, since he was so afraid that the sound of the name Midian could aggravate his pulse's intensity. Little did he know that a giant laid within him, a giant who should be scaring away lilliputians, and not running away from them. But not until Gideon received insight of whom he was, he remained an object in the hands of impossibility.
The truth is, everyday of our lives when we kind of come across someone we picture as far way better than we are, like Gideon we hide in the winepresses of our hearts out of inferiority complex, returning to the meagre things we know we are supposed to have surpassed by now. But I tell you, if only you can look deep down to see how much you have buried within you, as Gideon you would stand up and take the challenge; for believe me the only world where a man can remain better than you forever regardless of the earnest efforts you make is in a world of impossibility and limitation, but if you believe that God has given you potentials to make impossibility possible, then indeed you can climb ahead, and dominate your field of study, endeavor and what have you.
Hence, always think possibility, act possibility and live possibility; for within you lies the key to possibilities.


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