Born To Reign

- Born To Reign
"For He has made us unto our God Kings and Priests: and we shall reign on the earth." (Revelation 5:10)
Who do you think you are?
Men may call you normal; the devil may call you a potential victim; but God calls you His child. And being God’s child means you have a king's gene deeply trenched in your spirit. Choosing to live conscious of it in words and deeds is the responsibility that eventually makes it real indeed.
But, will this bother people? Of course it will.
Most times, when we speak of our positions in Christ as kings and peculiar people, a lot of persons tend to shrug, calling our words bluff. They mock and judge our claims as outlandish. With their angry faces, they dispute our belief until we even begin to doubt God ourselves.
But I'm here to tell you -don't let that bother you. The fact that something seems untrue doesn't yet make it untrue. The fact that the same seems impossible doesn't cancel out its possibility. It's the same thing here; that's what they believe, but it isn't what is. So, let them argue, but never let them kill the belief.
For instance,a pregnant woman, from the very day she knows she has conceived, starts talking about her child, preparing for it, yet in tangibility there is no child. At least, It's not out yet, but it's there, growing within.
In the same way, your words are likened to a pregnancy; though the physical manifestation is not yet seen, but it's there, growing in you; and after its gestation period, it is brought forth.
So, never stop believing it; never stop saying it; God has said it, all you have to do is live it. Say it everyday: you are peculiar; you are the redeemed child of God born into dominion. You are a king and a priest destined to reign on the earth. You are everything God says you can be! For if anything must come forth from you into reality, you must first of all be impregnated with it, and then only would you as a pregnant woman be able to bring it forth.
Hence, believe it, for it's right there growing in you! Yes I said, your kingship is right there in you, just keep living it until it becomes real.


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