Every Habit Is A Choice

- Every Habit Is A Choice
One thing almost every individual must have learned from his/her normal daily routine experiences is that attitudes aren't born in a day;  character isn't established in a moment, and that whatever you become is a final product of all you have always been.
Like Edward V. Hill said ''Little rats don't cut holes, they just follow through where big rats have made the holes''; that is, whatever a man becomes is something he has been taught to be either by someone or by himself; and that's why habits are hard to break, because they are either self-influenced or strongly established by external influences.
For instance, according to the record in the first book of the Kings 12, Rehoboam, even after being groomed by the wisest man in the world, still made the mistake of making the wrong choice. This fellow was always in the company of his friends right from kindergarten- I suppose, and when it came to the point of his reign as king, he still chose this unruly company of his instead of wisdom. At the expense of the total subjection of all Israel to him, he still negated that due to the negative influences he had accepted as family.
What am I trying to say here? A lot of people would come your way everyday; some going, some staying, but all leaving a bit of themselves behind, and this bit is what influences us - in our speeches, actions and thoughts, either positively or negatively depending on which we accept into the depth of our personalities.
Just like how a tutor's science classes stick with you, and shapens you into a scientist, the incoming factors that encounter us also shapen what we become.
Thus, let's scrutinize everything that comes our way, keeping the good and ditching the bad, for habits are not made, they are chosen. Truth is, the higher the good you keep, the higher the chances of you adopting a good personality eventually, and a better life in future; and vice versa.
Hence, as Paul admonished....test all things, and hold on to that which good (1 Thessalonians 5:21)- for by our choices, we choose our habits; by our habits, we make our characters; by our characters, we procreate our attitudes; and by our attitudes, we determine the outcome of our lives. So, since every habit is a choice, Stay positive, and choose right!


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