Guard Your Faith
DAILY VITAMIN - Guard Your Faith "Guard the treasure entrusted to you, with the help of the Holy Spirit who dwells in us." (2 Tim 1:14) Everyone have their personal rods. The rod in this case is the witness you have within that keeps you believing in spite of circumstances. In Exodus, God used the rod Moses held to perform all kinds of wonders, and as long as he held that rod, he knew God would do anything as He promised on that day. So, as with Moses, it is our channel of hope in which when we remember strengthens us to hold on to God and His Word regardless of how hard the trials of today may seem. Well, in John 12, we see how the Sanhedrin were plotting to kill Lazarus, and not just Jesus. Why? Because the miracle of his rising had won over some of their colleagues; and they presumed killing him will kill their faith in Jesus. But didn't Lazarus still die? Didn't Moses' rod still decomposed? They both did. But did that kill faith on the earth? Of course not! ...