The Good Sheep
- The Good Sheep
"My sheep listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me." (John 10:27)
Jesus specifically taught us about how the Father shall separate the sheep from the goat. this signifying the righteous and the unrighteous. Furthermore, He also told us about the sheep and the one that wandered astray.
But why would a sheep in a midst of hundreds wander off? Simple. It wasn't looking at the Shepherd. Its focus was elsewhere; and so lost touch with the movement and leading of the Master. Thought the Master returns to find him, but the underlying fact here is that he wasn't focusing on His Lord.
The scripture cautions to "Look unto Jesus" (Hebrew 12:2). And in our theme verse, He says we must follow Him. We, hearing His voice, must follow as He leads (John 10:4). It is not enough to be added to the fold, we must live every day following His voice and will. That's exactly what Jesus said, "If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed." (John 8:31). And it is paramount with God that we follow Him; and this we do by placing His will above ours, His Word above ours, and His ways above ours (Matt 16:24).
So as we fellowship with the Word and His Spirit, let's give ourselves to not only hear of Him, but to also do as He leads.
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