You Are Heaven on Earth



- You Are Heaven On Earth

"But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you." (John 14:17 NIV)

When you look at a Christian, what do you see? Let me just tell you that you do not see a man; you see God in a man: the exact picture of Jesus on earth. That's why they term us like Him.

We have the fulness of the Godhead dwelling in us just as He did, all because of all He did for us. Can you imagine that? All of heaven residing in you as you live on the earth. It is true. God is heaven; without Him, heaven would be hell since He is its one and only source of light and life. And He says all of that is indwelling in you. That's a glorious picture - You housing heaven on earth. It is your very substance; and so why you may be living like every other human, you are actually an habitat of heaven resident on the earth.

Little wonder why we are ordained priests of the Kingdom (Rev 5:10). We exemplify the person of God, and we are supposed to live like it. It is natural with our new being, and consistent with our identity in Christ. Remember, "Christ in you, the hope of glory" (Col 1:27).

And so heaven isn't an experience, it's our personality. Others anticipate it, but we are already living it. it is within us (Luke 17:21). We breathe it, talk it and live it. Thus, never forget that you are God's building ordained for glory (Eph 2:10)


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