Fulfilling Destiny



- Fulfilling Destiny

"Your eyes saw my unformed body; all my days were written in Your book and ordained for me before one of them came to be" (Psalm 139:16)

Jesus said "The Son of man goes as it is written of Him..." (Matt 26:24). This proves that there is a path set out for every man by God; and those who choose to live by it fulfil their purpose for living, while those who don't don't.

In Psalm 139, David said that his content wasn't hid from God the day He made him (v.15). That depicts that God knew exactly what He wanted from him. There was a life God had designed for him to live, things He had preplanned for him to do. The scripture says we have been predestinated according to the purpose of Him who works all things by the counsel by His will (Eph 1:11).

So you have a God-given destiny to fulfil; and it is our obligation to Him and our responsibility to ourselves and the world at large to fulfil it. Little wonder why the same David asked Him to teach him how to number his days (Psalm 90:12); that is, to live as He desired day after day in fulfilment of His will, rather than wasting his life on the earth. His hands made him, and only by His understanding upon him could he ever live as He desired (Psalm 119:72).

And we can find our path in the Word. Jesus said it testified of Him (John 5:39), we are as He is now, so they also speak of us. Hence, fellowship with God through the Spirit of His Word and He will lead you into your path


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