Lessons from Genesis 24 (1)


- Lessons From Genesis 24 (1)

"For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope." (Romans 15:4)

Our theme verse tells us that every single thing recorded in scripture was done to teach us certain principles for living. And in Genesis 24, the story of Abraham's successful attempt to get a wife for his son Isaac, there are subtle secrets embedded within it that can help us face life with a new bust of energy and hope as it pertains to the working of God.

1. God blesses His people in every way:

Genesis 24:1 tells us that God blessed Abraham in every way. In health, in resources, and in everything else. There was no lack. Remember, what David said, everyone who belongs to God has everything he needs (Psalm 34:9). And that's what we also are entitled to in Christ and enjoy if we are willing. Scripture says if we are Christ's, we are seeds of Abraham, and heirs to the promise (Gal 3:29); and that all things are ours (1 Cor 3:21-23). So, we also have been blessed in every way both in heaven and on earth (Eph 1:3). We must simply believe it, profess it and walk in its consciousness every day.

2. God hears the prayer of His people always:

In Genesis 24:14-15, the scripture says while Eliezer was praying to God for help, God had already heard and answered him. But this privilege is for us all who serve Him. Remember that! In Isaiah 65:24, He says while we are yet speaking, He will answer us. And also that He is watching over us and will hearken unto us whenever we cry unto Him (Psalm 34:15). That means we are not alone. So never assume you are. He said call unto me and I will deliver you (Psalm 90:15); and that whatever we ask in Jesus' Name He will do.

Hence, take advantage of this, understanding that He has blessed you and will continually hearken to keep you in blessings.


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