
Showing posts from September, 2022

Believe The Word

  DAILY VITAMIN - Believe The Word “Keep these thoughts ever in mind; let them penetrate deep within your heart, for they will mean real life for you, and radiant health.” (Pro 4:21-22 TLB) The Word hold the picture of your predestined life. What this means is that how your life may have turned out isn’t God’s will if it doesn’t agree with the Word. This is why you have to believe the Word and not the symptoms or your experiences. You might have a sharp throbbing pain in your head, fearing it to be a tumor, but don’t fear. Even if the doctors confirm it to be, don’t fear. Trust the Word. It says you will no longer be sick and helpless because God will pardon you and bless you (Isaiah 33:24). If things are hard because your country is in recession or your business is failing, don’t fret, trust the Word. It says even in heated grounds, you will dwell on high (Isaiah 33:14-16). It says because of the Lord’s grace upon you, anything you plant will bring forth beautiful results (Isaiah ...

Give No Place To The Devil

  DAILY VITAMIN - Give No Place To The Devil “So give yourselves humbly to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you…” (James 4:7 TLB) The more time you give to the devil, the more control over your life you hand to him. When he brings a thought or an idea to you, it has no impact on you until you brood upon it. That’s what James said (James 1:13-15). It is the thoughts inspired by Satan we give room to that eventually sprout into acts of disobedience. Thus, we are commanded to have nothing to do with him at all. Scripture says we should resist him. In other words, when we resist those thoughts of sin, like vapor they vanish. The word ‘flee’ can be translated as disperse; like a trail of smoke disperses when a strong wind passes. When we undermine these thoughts with the truth of God’s Word, they are dispersed out of our heart. When the thought to cheat flashes across your mind, remind yourself of scriptures that encourage righteousness. As you do this, your spirit enforces i...

God’s Providence Is Yours

  DAILY VITAMIN - God’s Providence Is Yours “God is able to make it up to you by giving you everything you need and more, so that there will not only be enough for your own needs, but plenty leftover to give joyfully” (2 Cor 9:8 TLB) When God tells us He will abundantly bless us, it’s not a promise. It is a done deal. As simple as that. In our opening verse, it is said that God is able to do it. Do what? Provide enough to meet our needs and make us helpers of other men. Then in verse 10, we are told that it is the same way He gives a farmer seeds and bless the seeds to multiply abundantly so that he can also have enough harvest to give out to others. In other words, every seed God gives is to be sown, and every harvest is to be both enjoyed and shared.  But verse 11 is where I’m going to. At first, we are told God is able to, but now, it says “Yes, God will give you much more…” It is not a probability anymore, it is His desire. His will. He is ready to embarrass you with all o...

How To Get Blessed Easily

  DAILY VITAMIN - How To Get Blessed Easily “I will bless those who bless you…” (Gen 12:3 TLB) In the beatitudes, Jesus taught the people that those who show mercy will be shown mercy (Matt 5:7). This is the principle of nature—sowing and reaping. And God having put in place works by it too. Speaking to Abraham, He said those that bless him shall be blessed, and he that curses him shall be cursed. And today we know Abraham’s seed are the believers (Gal 3:29). In other words, one of the easiest way to earn a blessing is to bless a believer. Even when a Christian brother hurts you don’t insult him. Bless him instead. As Kenneth Hagen of blessed memory would say, “bless him.” He literally said bless him, or “bless you” while responding.  Do the same, and by this principle you will receive a blessing. Rather than hurl insults and curse, or get into fights with him, just say a simple “bless you.” That goes a long way. Or you can just go ahead and extend a hand f generosity to peopl...

You Have A Right To The Blessings of Jesus

 DAILY VITAMIN - You Have A Right To The Blessings of Jesus “For we which live are always delivered unto death for Jesus’ sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh.” (2 Cor 4:11) We know that everything Jesus did, He did for us. And what are these He did for us? Rev 5:10,12 says He made us priests and kings in the earth and has given us access to every blessing there is. Ephesians 1:3 agrees with that. If this be the case, then why do a lot of people still don’t believe that divine health or divine providence are theirs for the taking? I’ll tell you why. Because they don’t yet understand how it works. Our theme verse says “For we which live are always delivered unto death for Jesus’ sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh.” What that means in essence is that if we share in the persecutions of Christ on the earth—that is, everything Jesus suffered as a man, then we also have an undebatable right to the things He...

Pray In The Spirit

  DAILY VITAMIN -  Pray In The Spirit “Pray all the time. Ask God for anything in line with the Holy Spirit wishes….” (Ephesians 6:18 TLB) There is a limit to what you know. The mind feeds on presented knowledge, so you can only manage to know what you have accessed. But it’s different with our spirit. Our spirits feed on revelational knowledge. It takes from the Spirit of God and transmit the words to your conscious mind. In other words, your spirit can access knowledge of things that both are and aren’t yet, because it has access to God. When we pray in the Spirit, we speak mysteries—not to God, but to self, because we speak of deep things our mind may have had no privy knowledge of. In this way, we can prevent things that could have been, and impose things that might not have. When we pray in tongues, we pray God’s will into our lives. In it, we are also not limited in words, for we speak as we are given utterance. So the buck stops with God in this kind of prayer. All we n...

God Will Meet You Where Your Faith Stops (2)

  DAILY VITAMIN - God Will Meet You Where Your Faith Stops (2) “…According to your faith be it unto you.” (Matthew 9:29) Everybody that ever got healed did as a result of their belief, and everyone that didn’t also were not healed because of their belief. Consider the woman with the issue of blood, and the many others that got their healing using her methods after she got healed. They did so because first of all they believed. Belief is what prompts actions, and action is what provokes reactions. So these folks got healed primarily through the process of faith. But didn’t others get healed without touching Jesus? Of course they did, because the healing power is not in His robes, but in your faith in His Name. So things happen first because of faith in Him. In Nazareth, Jesus accused them of not believing in Him and many were not healed as a result.  Let me add this to help you understand this better. In His parable, Jesus tells us that everyone called into the vineyard receive...

God Will Meet You Where Your Faith Stops (1)

  DAILY VITAMIN - God Will Meet You Where Your Faith Stops (1 ) “…According to your faith be it unto you.” (Matthew 9:29) The Lord responds to us in accordance to our faith. That’s the reason why A gets healed without visiting a hospital and B is only cured by visiting one. He works on us as our faith permits. Consider Jairus and Jesus. Jesus had to take the long walk back to his house to heal his daughter, but do you think that was necessary? Not really. He did so because that was the condition Jairus’s faith placed on Him. Jairus said he believed she could come back to life, but only if Jesus came home to touch her (Matt 9:18). That’s why He had to go to the house. Before then, we see Jesus heal a certain centurion’s servant in a similar deathly condition without moving a foot (Matt 8:13). Again, the centurion conditioned Him. He told Jesus his servant would be healed if Jesus only spoke the word (v.8-9). So, you see, Jesus works according to the faith of men.  Thus, what do...

You Have One Spirit

  DAILY VITAMIN  - You Have One Spirit "But you are not like that. You are controlled by your new nature if you have the Spirit of God living in you... " (Roman's 8:9 TLB)  When the Spirit of God enters into a man,  He doesn't go into his head or his mind, or even his natural body, He inhabits his spirit. You'd notice the theme scripture says controlled by your new nature. That can either mean two things; either that when the Spirit comes into you,  your spirit goes dormant, or that when He does,  your spirit becomes one with Him. And the latter is what I'd like to show.  As a born again believer, you have the Spirit of God in you. This is for identification (Eph 1:13). It's how God marks you out as His own. It's how the angels recognize you as heavenbound. But there's also such a thing as being filled with the Spirit. The Charismatic call it the baptism of the Holy Ghost. And it is for the demonstration of God's power,  so as to draw others in...

Trust In The Lord To Direct You

 DAILY VITAMIN - Trust In The Lord To Direct You "Trust in the Lord with all your heart...and He shall direct your path. " (Proverbs 3:5-6) The Bible tells us that everything we see a farmer do, he does because he has been given insight. It says there is no plowing without an intention to sow,  or harrowing without a desire to plant; so when you see the farmer plowing, it is because he has seeds. And these seeds are treated differently; but here's the good part: This wisdom is given to him of God (see Isaiah 28:23-29). What that means is that God provides the insight the farmer needs to plant right and harvest right, and then grants him seeds also (Isaiah 55:10). In the same way,  He can provide the insight and resources you need to succeed regardless of what your career path might be. Are you in business, publishing, entertainment,  ministry, healthcare, administration? It doesn't matter; God can help you supersede the unexpected levels others call the limit. The wi...

Fill Your Heart With Grace

 DAILY VITAMIN - Fill Your Heart With Grace " Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings. It is good for our hearts to be strengthened by grace, not by eating ceremonial foods, which is of no benefit to those who do so." (Heb 13:9 NIV) A lot of people think they can be given to God's will by following a set of legalistic rules; but it is not true. The Bible says it is not by power, nor by might, but by His Spirit; because only grace can do this (Zech 4:6-7). Not of him that willeth nor runneth, it is of the gracious God (Romans 9:16). That's why we are instructed to establish our hearts with grace. And this we do by understanding that we can only please God by faith and walking in the leading of the Spirit. Every other thing you do gives you a sense of perfection, but this is what makes you perfect.  Remember, it is He who perfected us in Christ, and it is He who makes you perfect in every good work to do His will, working in you that which is well plea...

Approach God With His Word

  DAILY VITAMIN - Approach God With His Word "God is not a man, that he should lie; He doesn't change his mind like humans do. Has He promised, without doing what he said?" (Numbers 23:19 TLB) The Bible tells us that God expects us to plead our case before Him that we might be justified (Isaiah 43:26); however a lot of us fail to get the best out of it because we don't know how to. What God expects we do is to bring His Word with us in prayer. And that never fails because He honours His Word above all else. Consider Jacob. He went to God with His Word (Gen 32:9-12), and it resulted in his change of story experience. When God named him Israel, it wasn't just a change of name; it was a complete makeover. A change of his entire life experience. And it all happened because he was bold enough to plead his case with God's Word. Let's do the same then. If you need wisdom in a particular area, remind Him that He gives wisdom liberally (James 1:5) and to all who ar...

Giving Willingly

  DAILY VITAMIN - Giving Willingly "For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what one does not have." (2 Corinthians 8:12 NIV) God calls on us to give not because He depends on our gift offerings; remember He owns it all (Psalm 50:3-13); He does so to bless us. And according to our theme verse, He accepts only that which is given willingly. Those who give cheerfully, not forcefully. In Exodus 35, He called on the people to give, but only of those who were willing. And willingness doesn't care about conditions, it still gives. In 2 Corinthians 8:1-5, we are told of the Macedonian church and how in spite of their deep poverty still gave liberally. In Exodus 36, we see the people of Israel and how they gave over sufficiently to the work of God in spite of being in the wilderness. So if you ever thought not having enough was a good enough reason not to give, they proved you wrong. Because a willing heart has no mind f...

Right Thinking, Right Speaking

  DAILY VITAMIN - Right Thinking, Right Speaking "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer." (Psalm 19:14) Our theme scripture tells us to speak and think only of things that are acceptable before God. It was all David prayed for, and in many ways it is still all God expects of His children. In Philippians 4:8, Paul admonishes us to think of things that are right, pure, praiseworthy, excellent and true; and he did this because as Jesus said  what we think becomes what we speak. He said "Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks" (Luke 6:45). And what is it that God expect us to think about that is in all ways right and acceptable, and at the same time pure, praiseworthy, excellent and true?  David tells us again what God taught him as the answer in response to his previous prayer. He said, "My mouth shall speak of wisdom; and the meditation of my heart shall be of understanding...

Seeing Each Other As One

  DAILY VITAMIN -  Seeing Each Other As One "That they all shall be one, just as you, my Father, are in me, and I am in you, so that they also shall be one in us." (John 17:21) Jesus utmost desire was that Christianity would be a united community of faith and not dissected as we are today. Now in these days, we have grouped ourselves, intolerant of one another, yet claim to love and serve one Lord. We all, protestants, episcopal, Lutherans, Methodists, all man-made segregations that have divided rather than brought together the people of God. But what does He say? That we might be one, because He isn't returning for a sect of Christians, but for the universal church. There is no Baptist or protestant in the Kingdom; all there is is the church--the unblemished bride of the Lord. Hence the need to be one. Apostle John was like us in this way. He rebuked others from serving Jesus because they were not in their clique. But listen to what Jesus said to him: "But Jesus sai...