Give No Place To The Devil



- Give No Place To The Devil

“So give yourselves humbly to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you…” (James 4:7 TLB)

The more time you give to the devil, the more control over your life you hand to him. When he brings a thought or an idea to you, it has no impact on you until you brood upon it. That’s what James said (James 1:13-15). It is the thoughts inspired by Satan we give room to that eventually sprout into acts of disobedience.

Thus, we are commanded to have nothing to do with him at all. Scripture says we should resist him. In other words, when we resist those thoughts of sin, like vapor they vanish. The word ‘flee’ can be translated as disperse; like a trail of smoke disperses when a strong wind passes. When we undermine these thoughts with the truth of God’s Word, they are dispersed out of our heart.

When the thought to cheat flashes across your mind, remind yourself of scriptures that encourage righteousness. As you do this, your spirit enforces its will on your mind, which in return discards such thoughts. This alone is why Peter despite his denial of Jesus was redeemed and Judas with his betrayal wasn’t. Peter wasn’t in perdition, but Judas was. You see, Peter’s temptation came at that moment and he failed due to fear, but Judas had a whole week to brood upon his intentions. He could have changed his mind but he didn’t and eventually the thought for betrayal overwhelmed him and his will to stay faithful. He had already given place to the devil, thus he became the son of perdition; whereas Peter grew to become a great advocate of the gospel.

So the thoughts we give place have a lot of impact on us. When birds brood on their egg, it hatches into something real—a young; so also when we brood on such evil thoughts, evil will be born. Hence, give him—the devil and his seeds—no place in your life.


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