God Will Meet You Where Your Faith Stops (2)



- God Will Meet You Where Your Faith Stops (2)

“…According to your faith be it unto you.” (Matthew 9:29)

Everybody that ever got healed did as a result of their belief, and everyone that didn’t also were not healed because of their belief. Consider the woman with the issue of blood, and the many others that got their healing using her methods after she got healed. They did so because first of all they believed. Belief is what prompts actions, and action is what provokes reactions. So these folks got healed primarily through the process of faith. But didn’t others get healed without touching Jesus? Of course they did, because the healing power is not in His robes, but in your faith in His Name. So things happen first because of faith in Him.

In Nazareth, Jesus accused them of not believing in Him and many were not healed as a result. 

Let me add this to help you understand this better. In His parable, Jesus tells us that everyone called into the vineyard receives the same reward regardless of his time of arrival, but then in the parable of the lost son, we see a banquet thrown for the prodigal one even through the faithful one had never had such. When he confronted the Father about it he was told that everything had always been his. Then why didn’t he get it? Because he never believed enough to ask. A lot of us are like that. We don’t ask God for things-- for healing, when we are sick, or for abundance when poor—because we believe He likes in that way. But does He like us sick and poor? No. 3 John 2-4 tells us the exact opposite. Hence, the reason why we don’t get is because we don’t ask (James 4:2-3), and even when we ask, we don’t believe enough. Thus, ask today, believe today; give God no limitations and He will work to meet you according as you have believed.


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