You Have One Spirit



- You Have One Spirit

"But you are not like that. You are controlled by your new nature if you have the Spirit of God living in you... " (Roman's 8:9 TLB) 

When the Spirit of God enters into a man,  He doesn't go into his head or his mind, or even his natural body, He inhabits his spirit. You'd notice the theme scripture says controlled by your new nature. That can either mean two things; either that when the Spirit comes into you,  your spirit goes dormant, or that when He does,  your spirit becomes one with Him. And the latter is what I'd like to show. 

As a born again believer, you have the Spirit of God in you. This is for identification (Eph 1:13). It's how God marks you out as His own. It's how the angels recognize you as heavenbound. But there's also such a thing as being filled with the Spirit. The Charismatic call it the baptism of the Holy Ghost. And it is for the demonstration of God's power,  so as to draw others in.  But we'll discuss that some other time. 

So yes, you have one spirit. Not two. This is because the Holy Spirit in you as a result of New Birth isn't contesting with your human spirit for space in your body; He is dwelling in your spirit. He is fused to your inner man, influencing him in the ways of God, which in turn will lead to the saving of the soul and the proper submission of the body to the Lord. So, you don't have two spirits in you, but one. 

The same can be said of the demon possessed person. A demon is also a spirit. It doesn't possess the body. It possesses the passive spirit, which in this case connotes unbelievers; fusing with this part of the man to form an unclean spirit, driven by the will and in the dispositions of Satan. 

Let me explain this phenomenon using painting. Let's say we take two colors: red and yellow. After the mixture, you are not left with two separate colours still, but one--orange. That's how it is when two spirits come together. That's how it is when the Spirit of God fuses with our spirit. We become one whole spirit. A regenerate spirit, driven in the will of God, marked for salvation and full of eternal life. 

Hence, know this, you didn't lose your own human spirit when you became born again, you just got God's Spirit abiding in yours; thus making your fellowship with Him easy. Now you can bold declare, I am one with the Lord. He dwells richly in me. 


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