Pray In The Spirit



Pray In The Spirit

“Pray all the time. Ask God for anything in line with the Holy Spirit wishes….” (Ephesians 6:18 TLB)

There is a limit to what you know. The mind feeds on presented knowledge, so you can only manage to know what you have accessed. But it’s different with our spirit. Our spirits feed on revelational knowledge. It takes from the Spirit of God and transmit the words to your conscious mind. In other words, your spirit can access knowledge of things that both are and aren’t yet, because it has access to God.

When we pray in the Spirit, we speak mysteries—not to God, but to self, because we speak of deep things our mind may have had no privy knowledge of. In this way, we can prevent things that could have been, and impose things that might not have.

When we pray in tongues, we pray God’s will into our lives. In it, we are also not limited in words, for we speak as we are given utterance. So the buck stops with God in this kind of prayer. All we need to do is submit wholeheartedly to Him and let Him lead us. There’s nothing as blessed as this, because though your mind may not understand each utterance, but your spirit glows as a result of it. It is like switching on a light bulb. Our spirit is the candle of the LORD remember; so when we actively use our spirit even in prayer, a wholesome active presence of God comes alive in us. We permit the Holy Spirit to actively participate in our growth process. Spiritual actions yield spiritual progress, and there is nothing more spiritual than fellowshipping in the Spirit through prayer.


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