Seeing Each Other As One



Seeing Each Other As One

"That they all shall be one, just as you, my Father, are in me, and I am in you, so that they also shall be one in us." (John 17:21)

Jesus utmost desire was that Christianity would be a united community of faith and not dissected as we are today. Now in these days, we have grouped ourselves, intolerant of one another, yet claim to love and serve one Lord. We all, protestants, episcopal, Lutherans, Methodists, all man-made segregations that have divided rather than brought together the people of God. But what does He say? That we might be one, because He isn't returning for a sect of Christians, but for the universal church. There is no Baptist or protestant in the Kingdom; all there is is the church--the unblemished bride of the Lord.

Hence the need to be one.

Apostle John was like us in this way. He rebuked others from serving Jesus because they were not in their clique. But listen to what Jesus said to him: "But Jesus said, “You shouldn’t have done that! For anyone who is not against you is for you.” (Luke 9:50 TLB).

You see, Jesus isn't interested in divisions, He wants us together; worshiping together, serving together, loving one another. Paul tried to tell us this in 1 Corinthians 3:3-4. Thus, as we begin this day, have a change of heart. Don't frown at the man not in your group, embrace him and love him, for this is the will of God: that we might be one as He is one.


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