Under His Watch

DAILY VITAMIN - Under His Watch For every time we perceive to have fallen short of God's glory by our wayward actions, we all have the Peter's experience. How do I mean? Right there in the midst of multitudes of haters and profane fellows willing to kill Jesus, with some other Christ-loving people, the Lord located Peter immediately after he had denied Him (Luke 22:61). Jesus saw him even when he thought he had perfectly hidden himself from men. This is to tell us that whenever we go against His words, though we might think the world is so much as populated, such that God can't see us at all, but He sees you much more than you see yourself. And the same happens at all times. We are constantly under His surveillance (2 Chronicles 16:9). But what happened afterwards with Peter? After his realization that the Lord had seen him, and that he had erred, he went out and wept (v. 62). Thus, as Peter, do you feel the pain of regret, accepting the chance of repentance when you ...