Aim For Growth

- Aim For Growth
Growth, they say, is an irreversible increase in size; and if we are to work with that, we would see that our growth in Christ is defined by our limitless endeavour to keep moving forward in the knowledge of God, and the actual act of that deed.
" As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby". (1 Peter 2:2)
Most astoundingly, everything God does- every miracle, every sign, every mysterious wonder- is for the purpose that we may fear and believe in Him more and more (Exodus 14:31), even as that phenomenon keeps us in the euphoria of an endless search for more of Him. If there is anything I believe Jesus loved about Nicodemus, it was the fact that though he was a Rabbi whom proselytes would do anything just to clean his robe; one with an astounding background on knowledge of the law...I guess, yet he didn't see his covering too occupied to receive anything new from the Christ. Rather he came as a neonate in search of milk, as if he had never heard a bit of the Mosaic law.
His hunger for God's will kept him with the choice of being a tabula raza on the things he once thought he had outgrown, at least if that was what it took.
Just like Nicodemus, God seeks a man deep within you who wouldn't see his orthodoxical covering as more than enough, nor his intellects as more than enough, but more knowledge of Him as all that should be enough. God desires a man who seeks continuous growth, even when everything around sets an impediment against that; nevertheless this growth might seem common since almost everybody biblical got there, but it's not cheap. It involves a conscious effort of setting a limitation on self's will for an overwhelming gush of God's will upon your life.
Hence, with the price just mentioned, let's analyze if our payment have begun; and while still on that, let's check if we've still remained proactive in our growth process. If you have, then good, and keep doing more to stay in growth; but if not, make a commitment to never relent in your quest to increase more than you presently are in the Lord. And when you have the world will see, and give glory to God for you. Thus, Keep growing tall in the Lord.


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