God Doesn't Want You To Worry

- God Doesn't Want You To Worry
Just try looking around everyday, and you will easily find a thousand and one reasons to keep worrying; from the ghastly auto-accidents we see daily occurring on the same route we plan on passing through the next day, to news concerning recessions, religious chaos, personal financial depletions and our work routine challenges.
But Jesus gave the all-compassing words of encouragement when He said '...my peace I give unto you..'(John 14:27). The thing about Jesus wasn't that He never faced any challenges, or that He didn't have any trouble... for God's sake He had calvary to deal with, a raging sea to overcome, and an army of antagonizing pharisees on his neck, yet in all of these conditions, He remained in the joy of the LORD.
At Calvary, He wouldn't regret, only a tear so lifted. At Tiberias, He wouldn't fear, only in God's arm of power would He believe even as He spoke. Among the law-givers, He wouldn't complain, only with meekness and the love of God He would preach the instructions of the Father.
And so in other words, Jesus had as much reason as you to worry even till death, but still He wouldn't; not that there weren't reasons to, but because God's love and grace upon Him was enough to keep Him joyous, and so should you. In Matthew 6, He spends His time to tell us how ineffective worrying has proven to be in changing the lives of men. Rather He calls us to focus on making Him first in our lives. That means letting His own reality for your life have a tighter grip on you than the very one you may be experiencing. That means choosing to rejoice because He wants you to even when there's no reason to. And He says in doing this, we will get the very blessings worries couldn't afford us.
Thus, instead of worrying at every interval of your life when things don't turn out as you expect them to, try to see more of God's deeds in your life than your worry's threat; and I believe that would lift your spirit. But in case it doesn't, remember that Jesus had, prior to this time, told us of these conditions presently mounting against us, yet He didn't leave us just there, He advised we put up a cheerful attitude, because all the worries we've been killing ourselves over He overcame them already on our behalf, with a signed note reading "PS: John 16:33".
Hence, if you have been intoxicating yourself with worrisome thoughts, get a grip of yourself and change that thought, for God is setting things in order again in your favor. It may look like a wilderness right now, but we have been to the mountaintop. God's word has taken us there, and we've seen the promised land. We don't have to worry if we'd get there, because we will; we just to trust Him that we'd get there as He said we would.
And please know this: what is the importance of worrying about a situation you can't change by your own natural ability? Even Jesus tells us that can't add as little as a cubit to our stature. So give yourself only to things that can make a difference. Trust God and pray, believing that your prayer of faith shall bring the results He promised it would. I only pray that He enables both you and I to live according to all He's saying. Amen


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