Being Faithful

- Being Faithful
I have come to realize that God remains faithful at all times, and that we are the ones who are always less faithful. The Bible says that even if we deny Him, God is faithful, He cannot deny Himself (2 Timothy 2:13); but then it shouldn't come as a surprise as God often referred to mankind as the adulteress in this divine union.
Regardless of this flaw on our part, the primary duty of every man is to fear God, keeping up in faithfulness to Him (Ecclesiastes 12:13); but while on this, know that as I said God is always faithful: all He says, and would ever say, He does. With this mindset of God's unfailing faithfulness, I implore you to launch into this day with the notion that your impossibilities shall be made possible- not because you can do so on your own, but rather because this faithful God in you can.
For instance, for nine consecutive times, God sent Moses on a mission that seemed not to produce the appropriate answer; and for this period of time, though signs reigned, it appeared as if Pharaoh had the upper power to defy even the word of God. But on the tenth, God didn't fail; exactly as He told Moses did He do, with an epilogue that described slaves as armies conquering Egypt. Remember that God is faithful and will deliver us from the wicked one (2 Thessalonians 3:3).
Thus, God has a plan for you. Though it might not be coming forth yet, but He is faithful to that plan, willing to give Himself as He did in Jesus just to see it accomplished. But the question remains ''Are you faithful to that plan?''. One person's faithfulness to a course might not be enough to save it; and so I deem it fit to say that in order to save your walk with God, your plan or accomplishment, stay faithful at all times to Him. As you do, you will find His hands working as He promised to; for to the faithful, He shows Himself faithful (Psalm 18:25).


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