Never Ending Faith
- Never Ending Faith
The kind of faith God expects of us is the sort that is borne within, never-ending. The kind that never dies whether or not God answers our petitions. Jesus standing before the council and Pilate as well would not deny Himself, nor God in Him, even with the prior knowledge that God won't deliver Him in fulfillment of scripture. At the brisk of death, His faith didn't die; even at the cross, He never despised the words 'My Father'.
Are you passing through a hard time at the present stage of your life? I can say that God would deliver you; that is good, but the truth is, I do not know what God's planning on accomplishing through that phase. But all I can tell you is that whether or not it seems as though it's gone or not, never stop trusting Him; for even if that doesn't change your omen, it accomplishes something - it pleases God (Hebrew 11:6): and it is much more profitable to please God than self.
The faith that pleases God is the kind that is immovable by circumstances. In 1 Corinthians 15:55, we are told to stay firm and strong in faith even as we continually engage in good works. You see, God wants to boast about you. He did that with Job; and He wants to do that with you. I believe it can happen. Jesus looked at the disciple who had just experienced a life threatening situation in which he was sinking to the very bottom of the sea, and said "O man of little faith, why did you doubt me?" (Matthew 14:31). No problem should ever be enough reason to doubt God. Remember nothing shall take us from God's love, in the same way let nothing stop us from constantly believing God's word to us all; for indeed He won't disappoint you.
Thus, I hope and believe God would save you, but even if not, never stop having faith in Him, for Christ in you, your hope of glory, is enough to keep you going. Remain in Him!
- Never Ending Faith
The kind of faith God expects of us is the sort that is borne within, never-ending. The kind that never dies whether or not God answers our petitions. Jesus standing before the council and Pilate as well would not deny Himself, nor God in Him, even with the prior knowledge that God won't deliver Him in fulfillment of scripture. At the brisk of death, His faith didn't die; even at the cross, He never despised the words 'My Father'.
Are you passing through a hard time at the present stage of your life? I can say that God would deliver you; that is good, but the truth is, I do not know what God's planning on accomplishing through that phase. But all I can tell you is that whether or not it seems as though it's gone or not, never stop trusting Him; for even if that doesn't change your omen, it accomplishes something - it pleases God (Hebrew 11:6): and it is much more profitable to please God than self.
The faith that pleases God is the kind that is immovable by circumstances. In 1 Corinthians 15:55, we are told to stay firm and strong in faith even as we continually engage in good works. You see, God wants to boast about you. He did that with Job; and He wants to do that with you. I believe it can happen. Jesus looked at the disciple who had just experienced a life threatening situation in which he was sinking to the very bottom of the sea, and said "O man of little faith, why did you doubt me?" (Matthew 14:31). No problem should ever be enough reason to doubt God. Remember nothing shall take us from God's love, in the same way let nothing stop us from constantly believing God's word to us all; for indeed He won't disappoint you.
Thus, I hope and believe God would save you, but even if not, never stop having faith in Him, for Christ in you, your hope of glory, is enough to keep you going. Remain in Him!
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