Recovering The Consciousness of your New Identity

- Recovering The Consciousness of Your New Identity
As we read through the Scripture, from God's chat with Abraham to the vision of Micaiah, one question will always pop into our minds; and that is, if God is all-knowing and powerful as we know and believe, then why does He still seek the fragile suggestions of men or lower beings?
Well, the answer is not far-fetched. God sees you in the same way as much as He sees Himself, because you are made in His image. That is, He sees unlimited potentials spurring from that fragile vulnerable person you say you are. He sees the light within you your ignorance have denied you from seeing. He sees potential, and the dynamic power to make things happen. He sees your opinions as worth listening to.
Though His rule is clearly theocracy, yet He appreciates every word, every idea you have to bring forth His will into fulfillment on the earth. Unlike our inferior self-inflicted thoughts, God sees a god within you- one bathed with wisdom if only you are willing enough to wield it through Him, with a sound mind, if only you
would let Him spur it out of you. And so it becomes an offense when you see yourself as being worth nothing.
That's a foul against your own self, and nothing more than you giving the devil victory without a fair battle. God sees more and lots in you, but the sun will only rise on your field today when you see the same of yourself. You may have been in the dark alleys of low self-esteem and identity crisis, but today you can step into the light.
Remember His words...''Wonderfully and fearfully made'' (Psalm 139:14); so next time the devil comes along with the cheap self-pity speech to your mind again, tell him you know who you are, at least whom God says you are; yet it must not stop there, you must grow from being a hearer or a speaker alone into a doer. You must learn to live as whom God says you are, for it's only in that does it find its true expression before men and to men. And one good way to start is to the fire of communion with God burning at all times at the very altar of your heart; for the more you know Him, the more you get to know yourself.
Hence, stop the self-pity, and live in the dignity of your new person in Christ.


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