More Of Him

- More Of Him
It is a mystery, but it is true that spending time with God transcends His glory upon us. Just like Lamarckism preaches, the more consistent an organism practise an act, the more there's an evolution to make it its nature- just like his illustration with the giraffe. In the same way, the more we spend time with God, the more like Him we become. Like they say, you can't be close to a bonfire and not smell like smoke. The more we attach ourselves to God, the more we adopt His ways of life.
The story of the shining face of Moses seems like a myth to many of us, but unknowing to us it happens everytime we stay refreshed in His presence (See Exodus 34:34-35); and though we may not see it, but those around us feel it. To be sincere I believe if there's anything God desires most, it is impartation. In fact that is why He created the world - to give all things a chance to live. That's why He gave Jesus - to bring upon man His way of life. That's why He sent out the apostles - to teach the already condemned back to righteousness, and as such eternal life. And that's also why He wants to spend a little time with you - to put a bit of Himself within you everyday.
Recall what Jesus said, He is ever ready to give His Holy Spirit to them who seek Him, and once He's given, there is no limit to how much that star within you is going to shine; and guess what, it's not for your viewing alone, but for the whole world. But first you must spend a lil' time with Jesus.
Hence, make a commitment to spend a minimum one hour with God every day, and you will find yourself walking in paths only God has walked.


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