Walking The Lost Back To Him

- Walking The Lost Back To Him
All throughout the Exodus, God never stopped walking with the children of Israel, though He knew them as stiffnecked: stubborn, relentless in sin, and more or less worldly. Despite His knowledge of this, it wasn't enough to discard them in a moment because God knew He had a future with them. He knew what He had envisioned for them.
This is the same way God treats the sinner, and that's why Paul wrote, 'the goodness of God leads to repentance'(Romans 2:4); He keeps walking with them though far away from their lane, so that at the point when they look back and see Him nearby, returning to Him won't be a difficult task.
Now that was for God; now for us: being His replica on the earth, and if genetics truly is significant, then we must carry this trait of His. It is our duty to return the lost sheep back to the flock. Though Paul said ''be not unequally yoked with the sinner'', that doesn't entail our abandoning them, for if so the gospel would be in vain; rather I believe the picture depicted by him is that of the caretaker and the sheep.
The shepherd Jesus has a whole flock, but from this thousands even millions went AWOL; and then He sent caretakers (You and I) to fetch them back regardless of the mile to be covered. The caretaker is not yoked to the lost black sheep, but he is yoked to the Master to fulfill the commission given to him. So next time you see a sinner, don't scare them the more away, rather seize them with the gospel and fetch them back to the Master.


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