Never Compromise
DAILY VITAMIN - Never Compromise "The Lord has said in strongest terms: Do not under any circumstances go along with the plans of Judah to surrender to Syria and Israel." (Isaiah 8:11 TLB) A lot of people do things they never intended nor anticipated they would all because of pressure. Be it parental pressure or peer pressure. You never thought you'd date a man or woman who readily lives against the principles of the Word of God, but because your friends or parents keep telling you about what you might miss out on refusing such a gorgeous person, you surrender. Well, guess what? God is saying don't you do that. Your colleagues at school or work tease you about how lame you are for still being a virgin, and you believe them and thus go on an adventure of sexual experience. All because of pressure. Our theme scripture cautions the people of God never to go along with the plans of the nonbelievers to displease God. Verse 12 says though they might call you a cat or what...