God Doesn't Do Things Halfway
- God Doesn't Do Things Halfway
"God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it?" (Numbers 23:19)
A lot of us question God's faithfulness because of our fear of the unknown. Because of the fear of not being sure. But guess what? God is sure. The scripture says when we are out of faith, God is yet faithful (2 Tim 2:13). Yet we are scared He will back out just before before he completes the miracle like Hezekiah was.
In Isaiah 37 after he had seen the enemy king besiege his capital, Hezekiah cried out, "This is a day of trouble and frustration and blasphemy; it is a serious time, as when a woman is in heavy labour trying to give birth, and the child does not come" (v. 3 TLB). He had received God's plentiful promise of peace but as soon as his biggest act of devotion was over, an enemy came (see 2 Chro 32:1). Like a roaring lion, he came boasting threats and Hezekiah believed him.
Is that also what you're doing? Believing the enemy who says “Don’t let Hezekiah fool you—nothing he can do will save you. Don’t let him talk you into trusting in the Lord by telling you the Lord won’t let you be conquered by the king of Assyria." (Isaiah 36:14-15 TLB). Perhaps when your rent was due last time, the free favours of God help you meet the demand of paying, and now that it's due again, the enemy whispers that you're done for because God can't help you this time. Guess what? God can help you this time. So don't believe the lie. That's a Sennacherib spirit and it lies. Yes it does, because God always helps His own.
Psalm 145:19 says "He fulfills the desires of those who reverence and trust him; he hears their cries for help and rescues them" (TLB). So, God can help you to the end and promises to. Here's what He had to say to Hezekiah in His days: " Shall I bring to the point of birth and then not deliver? asks the Lord your God. No! Never!" (Isaiah 66:9 TLB). And in verse 7-8, He had promised to fulfil it in one day, and He did; for in one night a wholesome pack of Sennacherib's forces was destroyed while Hezekiah slept. That was God fighting to fulfill His Word in his life; and He will do the same today.
Remember, He never brings us to the Red Sea unless HE plans to part it. And He will part this Red Sea situation of yours. I believe it so dearly. 1 Thessalonians 5:24 tells us "God, who called you to become his child, will do all this for you, just as he promised" (TLB).
Hence, seeing He always keeps His Word and see all through to the end (Isaiah 55:11), choose to stay in faith. Like Abraham, keep glorifying Him in advance (Romans 5:20-21), because truly that problem you see today that He promised to deal with, believe Him you shall see it no more. And all this He does by His free favours upon us (see Psalm 44:1-3).
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