God Will Help You



- God Will Help You

"The Lord is fair in everything he does and full of kindness. He is close to all who call on him sincerely. He fulfills the desires of those who reverence and trust him; he hears their cries for help and rescues them." (Psalm 145:17-19 TLB)

Whenever people ask you what gives you the audacity to think or believe God will help in that dire situation of yours, remind them of this theme scripture. It says God is fair in all He does, such that there are principles set down to obtain certain things regardless of who we are or where we are from; however it then assured us that He is kind. And as a result, when we call on Him sincerely at such times, He is close to aid us; fulfilling all of our desires if we reverence and trust Him. Then it says for such persons, He will help them in their times of need. Remember that He is a very present help at such a time (Psalm 46:10), with His eyes running to and fro the earth ready to act on our behalf (2 Chro 16:9).

So whoever is after you better be afraid. They better be, because the Lord promises to keep you safe at all cost even if it means making a mess of them (see Isaiah 43:3-4). The Bible also says " Fear not, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed. I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will uphold you with my victorious right hand. See, all your angry enemies lie confused and shattered. Anyone opposing you will die. You will look for them in vain—they will all be gone. I am holding you by your right hand—I, the Lord your God—and I say to you, Don’t be afraid; I am here to help you." (Isaiah 41:10-13 TLB).

Consider Ahaz for example. A lot of us are like that. We had been doing fine till we found out the name of the problem and then we gave up. For instance, you once believed God could heal you when the weakness started, but as soon as you heard it was cancer, you gave up even on God. Why? Because you began listening to the roar of the devil. You began measuring the problem with your own capacity instead of against God's capacity. And nothing can measure up to Him. Anyway, when Ahaz gave up, God sent a message to him. He said "Tell him to quit worrying. Tell him he needn’t be frightened by the fierce anger of those two has-beens, Rezin and Pekah... “But the Lord God says: This plan will not succeed, for Damascus will remain the capital of Syria alone, and King Rezin’s kingdom will not increase its boundaries. And within sixty-five years Ephraim, too, will be crushed and broken. Samaria is the capital of Ephraim alone, and King Pekah’s power will not increase. You don’t believe me? If you want me to protect you, you must learn to believe what I say.” (Isaiah 7:4-9 TLB). 

So they already failed on arrival because God was on his side, and all he needed to do was to believe this truth. And so do you. Hence, cheer up. You might be down but you are not out. The scripture says God lifts the fallen and those bent beneath their load (Psalm 145:14); and it also says such a man as you are in the Lord will surely rise again (Micah 7:8). All you need to do is respond to His call to lean on Him (Matthew 11:28) and everything will work out as He has spoken. 

So best believe, God will take care of you. Take this as a promissory note in any circumstance you find yourself, knowing that because you love Him with a perfect love, He will keep you in perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3); and in such peace, even the enemies have no option but to desire peace for their own good. Why? Because "He protects all those who love him, but destroys the wicked." (Psalm 145:20 TLB).


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