
Showing posts from November, 2021

Guard Your Faith

  DAILY VITAMIN - Guard Your Faith "Guard the treasure entrusted to you, with the help of the Holy Spirit who dwells in us." (2 Tim 1:14) Everyone have their personal rods. The rod in this case is the witness you have within that keeps you believing in spite of circumstances. In Exodus, God used the rod Moses held to perform all kinds of wonders, and as long as he held that rod, he knew God would do anything as He promised on that day. So, as with Moses, it is our channel of hope in which when we remember strengthens us to hold on to God and His Word regardless of how hard the trials of today may seem. Well, in John 12, we see how the Sanhedrin were plotting to kill Lazarus, and not just Jesus. Why? Because the miracle of his rising had won over some of their colleagues; and they presumed killing him will kill their faith in Jesus. But didn't Lazarus still die? Didn't Moses' rod still decomposed? They both did. But did that kill faith on the earth? Of course not! ...

Lessons From Genesis 24 (2)

 DAILY VITAMIN - Lessons From Genesis 24 (2) "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness," (2 Tim 3:16 NIV) Let's continue from where we left off in the last devotion, even as we consider two extra lessons we can learn from Genesis 24. 3. God's ultimate plan never changes regardless of circumstances: The Bible tells us in verse 7 that Eliezer asked Abraham what he would do if the assignment given didn't come forth successful, and Abraham assured him it would because God would go ahead of him. He understood it was God's perfect will, and nothing can stop what He intends to perform (Lam 3:37). He is not a man that he should lie; what He promises He places Himself on the line to perform. And as long as we keep to His terms, it will be (see Numbers 23:19, Zech 6:15). He always finds a way to bring it into our reality. His Word is unfailing; it accomplishes all it says (Isaiah 55:11). In the same way...

Lessons from Genesis 24 (1)

 DAILY VITAMIN - Lessons From Genesis 24 (1) "For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope." (Romans 15:4) Our theme verse tells us that every single thing recorded in scripture was done to teach us certain principles for living. And in Genesis 24, the story of Abraham's successful attempt to get a wife for his son Isaac, there are subtle secrets embedded within it that can help us face life with a new bust of energy and hope as it pertains to the working of God. 1. God blesses His people in every way: Genesis 24:1 tells us that God blessed Abraham in every way. In health, in resources, and in everything else. There was no lack. Remember, what David said, everyone who belongs to God has everything he needs (Psalm 34:9). And that's what we also are entitled to in Christ and enjoy if we are willing. Scripture says if we are Christ's, we are seeds of Abraham, and he...

Know What The Word Says About You

  DAILY VITAMIN - Know What The Word Says About You "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (John 8:32) One thing that has ruined many believers is ignorance. In fact, it is the biggest enemy of mankind and Satan's number one weapon against the children of men. The scripture says he has blinded the eyes of men (2 Cor 4:4); the blinding of the eyes is simply another term for ignorance. And ignorance always makes the devil seem bigger than he actually is.  He has stifled many a person by attacking them with what they didn't know. Consider Adam and Eve; they fell prey because they didn't know their true identities in God. Now consider Jesus; when Satan came to tempt Him with all He knew were His in God, He rebuked him. That's why you will always find me saying that the devil isn't afraid of what he knows about you, but what you know about yourself. Paul said that he prayed the eyes of the understanding of the Ephesian' Church be opened...

Practice The Word

  DAILY VITAMIN - Practice The Word " And be sure to put into practice what you hear. The more you do this, the more you will understand what I tell you." (Mark 4:24 TLB) Contrary to what many believe, life is not about survival, it is about living; and only through living can thriving be evident. You see, in survival, it is about trying not to die; but in living, it is about maximizing the best we can be every day. And there is nothing more suitable for achieving that than by practicing the Word of God in all things at all times. Proverbs 4:22 says it breeds real life and health in us towards everything we do. Recall the Word is life, and its life gives men the light to evade and overcome every darkness- be it failure, sickness or what have you. Practicing the Word is practicing the life of Christ; and is the only way to get the results He got. This is because everything Jesus did, He did by the Word. He casted out devils by the Word (Matt 8;16), performed miracles by the Wo...

Beat Down The Adversaries

 DAILY VITAMIN - Beat Down The Adversaries "Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong." (1 Cor 16:13 NIV) The scripture tells us that if our strength fails in the midst of adversity, then it is indeed small. In other words, God isn't expecting us to back down when the adversary comes, rather He expects us to beat them down.  The opening scripture admonishes us to be strong in the face of adversity. And this came from Paul who told us that he had a great door of opportunity opened for him, but the adversary stood to withstand him (v. 9). At another place, he spoke of how Satan resisted him from being where he wanted to go (1 Thess 2:18); but you see it is one thing for the devil who is the adversary to resist you, and another for you to let him. Look at what he said in 2 Corinthians 1. He said the adversity was so tough it nearly killed him, but he overcame it because of God in whom he entrusted all to (v. 8-10). Remember, it is He who causes us ...

Kill Strife

 DAILY VITAMIN - Kill Strife "To whom ye forgive any thing, I forgive also: for if I forgave any thing, to whom I forgave it, for your sakes forgave I it in the a person of Christ" (2 Corinthians 2:10) The Corinthian Church was embattled by a truckload of strife among its members. They committed all such of wrongs among one another; and this drew reproofs from the apostle Paul. But still he was quick to forgive them and comfort them in the LORD so as to save their souls. And in our theme scripture, he was explaining why he did such. In verse 7, he said after a while such an offender should be forgiven and comforted so that he or she doesn't plunged into irreparable grief that could lead him to darkness; confirming your love in the Lord for him (v. 8). He also said that having forgiving him, let all forgive him as well whether present or absent, lest Satan takes advantage of us (v. 10-11). You see, he was talking about strife. When we carry bitterness in our hearts toward ...

The Good Sheep

  DAILY VITAMIN - The Good Sheep "My sheep listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me." (John 10:27) Jesus specifically taught us about how the Father shall separate the sheep from the goat. this signifying the righteous and the unrighteous. Furthermore, He also told us about the sheep and the one that wandered astray.  But why would a sheep in a midst of hundreds wander off? Simple. It wasn't looking at the Shepherd. Its focus was elsewhere; and so lost touch with the movement and leading of the Master. Thought the Master returns to find him, but the underlying fact here is that he wasn't focusing on His Lord.  The scripture cautions to "Look unto Jesus" (Hebrew 12:2). And in our theme verse, He says we must follow Him. We, hearing His voice, must follow as He leads (John 10:4). It is not enough to be added to the fold, we must live every day following His voice and will. That's exactly what Jesus said, "If ye continue in my word, then are...

God Will Keep You

 DAILY VITAMIN - God Will Keep You "Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the LORD surrounds his people both now and forevermore." (Psalm 125:1) The scripture tells us that as many as trust in the LORD shall be like Mount Zion that cannot be moved. Just picture the firmness of a mountain; you can kick it, hit it or even bomb it, but it won't move from its place. The sun may strike upon it, the rains may pour upon it, yet it won't be moved. God says that is how we shall be. the circumstances may kick, hit or even seem like it's bombing you. The conditions surrounding you presently may have struck you causing you to fret and fidget, but the Bible says if we trust god, we won't be moved because God will keep us. Isaiah 40 says that in spite of the adversities we shall be like the eagle [strong and resistant], and shall walk when others have fainted and run when others a...

Why The Wicked Prosper

 DAILY VITAMIN - Why The Wicked Prosper " for there is no respect of persons with God" (Romans 2:11 ESV) One of the most important question in life is Why? And one of the most important why questions Christians ask is why the unbelieving men in our time still prosper if the Bible says the wicked shall not prosper? Take a look around and you'd notice that the richest men of the Twenty-first century don't identify as Christians. If that be the case, then why are they rich? Is the Bible contradictory? No it isn't. God clearly explains why. In Proverbs 26:10, Solomon says that the great God that formed all things both rewards the fool and the transgressor. Note that the term fool here doesn't speak of the unwise, but of the unbelieving (Psalm 53:1); hence, why would God reward a man that doesn't believe in Him and a sinner that blatantly disrespects Him? It is because as Dr. Myles Munroe used to say, "God doesn't give us what we pray for, He gives us ...

The Purpose Of Hardships

  DAILY VITAMIN - The Purpose of Hardships "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds." (James 1:2 NIV) The Bible says God never willingly afflicts the children of His name (Lam 3:33). If this be so, then why does He permit persecution upon them? Why doesn't He let them live a life free of suffering? Well, we are told that in time we shall have such a life; a life without gnashing of teeth or suffering (Rev 21:4); however in this present world we must endure with it, because everything has a purpose, even hardships. Our opening scripture encourages the acceptance of hardships joyfully because they too have a purpose. God made the trees to give us food and oxygen; in the same way He permits hardships to bring us into perfection. The subsequent verses tell us that this happens through the trying of our faith; and faith when tried refines patience unto perfection in us until we are entirely complete as God expects us to be (v.3-4)....

God Wants You To Know Him

  DAILY VITAMIN - God Wants You To Know Him "But let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows Me..." (Jeremiah 9:24) The primary aim of God for all of us is to know Him. It is as simple as that. God wants you to know Him. The theme verse assures us that it is the only reason to boast. Nothing else is worth it in the sight of God. Not your wisdom, or your wealth is enough reason to boast; only your knowledge of God. But here's the irony: a lot of us don't know God. We think we do but we don't. We are just religious people who have grown too religious to even notice that we know nothing. We go to church and dutifully follow the order of service to the latter; but when we leave the premises oftentimes we still feel empty. That feeling we have sometimes-that empty feeling-is because absolutely being churchy can't fill the appetite of our regenerated spirit, only the knowledge of God can. Thus, Peter tells us to feed ourselves with it (1 Peter 2:...

You Shall Do Greater Things

 DAILY VITAMIN -  You Shall Do Greater Things " Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father." (John 14:12) These words of Jesus weren't a wish; they were a fact.  It was what He knew to be true because He had made it so. Case in point, during His earthly ministry, Jesus only travelled to as little as three nations-- Palestine, Syria and his homeland Israel; but consider his apostle Paul, he went to more than double that amount propagating the Gospel. He covered everywhere Christ covered; covered a large portion of Europe and Asia as well. And it is a no-brainer because Jesus already told us that we would be witnesses of His power and grace in the uttermost ends of the earth. In the same way, Jesus sees the potential for more in us all. He sees the capacity to do more than all He could humanly do, and has given us the power of the Spirit to achieve it. So abov...

Fulfilling Destiny

  DAILY VITAMIN - Fulfilling Destiny " Your eyes saw my unformed body;  all my days were written in Your book  and ordained for me  before one of them came to be" (Psalm 139:16) Jesus said "The Son of man goes as it is written of Him..." (Matt 26:24). This proves that there is a path set out for every man by God; and those who choose to live by it fulfil their purpose for living, while those who don't don't. In Psalm 139, David said that his content wasn't hid from God the day He made him (v.15). That depicts that God knew exactly what He wanted from him. There was a life God had designed for him to live, things He had preplanned for him to do. The scripture says we have been predestinated according to the purpose of Him who works all things by the counsel by His will (Eph 1:11). So you have a God-given destiny to fulfil; and it is our obligation to Him and our responsibility to ourselves and the world at large to fulfil it. Little wonder why the same D...

You Are Heaven on Earth

  DAILY VITAMIN - You Are Heaven On Earth " But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you." (John 14:17 NIV) When you look at a Christian, what do you see? Let me just tell you that you do not see a man; you see God in a man: the exact picture of Jesus on earth. That's why they term us like Him. We have the fulness of the Godhead dwelling in us just as He did, all because of all He did for us. Can you imagine that? All of heaven residing in you as you live on the earth. It is true. God is heaven; without Him, heaven would be hell since He is its one and only source of light and life. And He says all of that is indwelling in you. That's a glorious picture - You housing heaven on earth. It is your very substance; and so why you may be living like every other human, you are actually an habitat of heaven resident on the earth. Little wonder why we are ordained priests of the Kingdom (Rev 5:10). We exemplify the person of God, and we are supposed to live like ...