Live Your Best Life Now
DAILY VITAMIN - Live Your Best Life Now "Whatsoever thy hand is able to do, do it earnestly: for neither work, nor reason, nor wisdom, nor knowledge shall be in hell, whither thou art hastening." (Eccl 9:10) Procrastination is simply means delaying till tomorrow what you could achieve today; and a lot of people don't just procrastinate things or chores, they even procrastinate their lives. While I'm an advocate of waiting on God, it doesn't mean that you remain passive even at a point when God expects you to be active. We have to learn to take life seriously, and to live it with a great intent of purpose to be the best we possibly can each day of our lives. That's what our opening verse depicts. This lifetime is all we have in this mortal vest to be all God says we are; so why not do the best you possibly can to be the best He says you actually are. A popular American actor in the '80s, Michael Landon, once said, "Somebody should tell us, right at t...