Partners In The Gospel


- Partners In The Gospel

"Therefore we ought to support people like these, that we may be fellow workers for the truth." (3 John 8 ESV)

We all have a role to play in the Kingdom expansion agenda of the Lord, which is the spreading of the knowledge of God to all the world. Now, while a lot of us may not be able to get to the fields to preach the gospel, we can support those who do.

That's what John writes about in our theme scripture. We can be partners in the Lord's work by supporting the affairs of those propagating it. It can be something as simple as purchasing a better sound system for that evangelical team, or fueling the vehicle of a missionary group, or simply offering prayers in their behalf. All we have to do is support the agenda.

The Bible spoke of women who supported Jesus' ministry while He was on earth. We also see Lydia who greatly supported the church in Philippi. And there are yet many others. Everyday people donate to the Bible Society and other Christian organizations to have more Bibles printed and freely distributed across the country. We can do likewise and support God's work. So, right there where you are, go ahead and ask the Holy Spirit how best you can help support the work of the Kingdom; and whatever He tells you thereafter, do it.


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