Influencing Situations


- Influencing Situations

"But they could think of nothing, for he was a hero to the people—they hung on every word he said." (Luke 19:48 TLB)

Our theme scripture tells Jesus was the people's hero, and that they clung to every word He spoke-- and how we thank God those words led to their salvation. That's power; and it is exactly what God wants of us. It is why we are called light and salt- influencing everything and everyone around us to the glory of His Name.

However, even today there are people with such level of influence, but most of these people aren't doing it in a positive way; and that's why the difference between a good society and a bad one is the difference in the number of people who influence situations positively and those who do so negatively. But nonetheless God has called you to be a positive influencer. That's why He calls you a light- to disperse the darkness in your society and making known the light of God. And by studying Jesus' life, we can find two virtues that made Him such a man of influence.


Jesus exemplified integrity both before God and men. He talked the talk and walked the walk. His Words were bankable. Look at how they described Him; "Sir, we know what an honest teacher you are. You always tell the truth and don't budge an inch in the face of what others think, but teach the ways of God" (Luke 20:21 TLB). Once people can trust in your word, they will follow anything you say. Isn't that why we are never afraid to follow God's Word? And so He didn't let circumstances affect His opinion on things. He was true to Himself at all times, and instead used His opinions to change circumstances. This is important because men follow men to God. That's why Zechariah spoke of a ten men following a Jew to the Lord (Zechariah 8:23). We fish men to God, and most will follow one who exemplifies God in every way- even in integrity.


Jesus was empathetic, and did as much good as He could wherever He went (Acts 10:38). Now, while people may love a good man, they will follow a generous man. Jesus' kindness brought men to Him, and when they came, they never sought to leave again. 

If you can implement these daily, you won't just influence situations, you will influence people too. Remember, it is the hands that gives that controls. So uphold truth and do good, and you will always influence lives.


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