Help Someone In Need



- Help Someone In Need

"Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out devils: freely ye received, freely give." (Matthew 10:8)

The emphasis of those words is to instill in us the need to show empathy at all times. Jesus tells us we have received freely of Him--everything we have was given to us richly to enjoy by God (1 Tim 6:17), and thus commands us to do the same unto others.

The Bible says Jesus lived His life doing good (Acts 10:38). That is, there was never a time He met a need He was capable of resolving that He didn't. Little wonder He says that when a hungry friend comes to you at night, don't tell him to return at dawn nor pray, He says give him what he seeks. And it is still exactly what He says to us this day; and anything less a displeasure to Him.

In Mark 3:5, the scripture states that Jesus was deeply disturbed by the people's indifference to human need. And it is just how He feels toward it today; remember He is the same today, yesterday and forever. 

Whenever you pass by that hungry kid with a dish to spare but decide you have better use of your money, Jesus is disturbed. When you see that friend hurting, and choose to hold back your encouragement, Jesus is disturbed. Whenever you see the sick in need of assistance that you can offer, but assume you don't have the time, Jesus is disturbed. 

He said 'freely you got from me, freely give to them'. You may not heal a leper, but you sure can buy the medication to alleviate a fever. In other words, do what is within your capacity to do, but under no circumstance should you ever ignore the need for human empathy not people's greatest time of need.


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