Release The Joy On The Inside To Transform The State Of Your Outside

 To be joyful-and to stay joyful-is a choice only you can make. It may come from within but only you can release it. Unlike happiness which is dependent on events and occurrences, joy is God-inspired not sight inspired. It is a virtue God naturally gives to all who bear His Spirit- and as i would love to believe: You. However, despite how much God fills you with His joy, only your willingness to accept it and let it show can really initiate its evidence on you. Like a water system, regardless of how much water are running through the pipes, without someone to open the taps, the environ may yet fade into drought. So yes, i'm asking you to open the taps to your heart and receive God's unending joy. Don't focus on the negatives all around you presently, simply saturate yourself in the joy that emanates from His promises; and with that receive strength to breakthrough that tantrum keeping you on the planes of sorrow and grief. How do you immerse yourself in this joy? "In the presence of the Lord there is fullness of joy" (Ps 16:11). Accept God's presence around you into you, and you've found your unending joy. I wish you all the best in life, and all the joys of life; but start here- start with the joy of the Lord.


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