You Have Power In Your Tongue



- You Have Power In Your Tongue

"Thou shall also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways." (Job 22:28)

Every believer has a regenerated spirit; meaning a living and active spirit. A spirit that's in constant sync with God. So therefore, His abilities are oftentimes transmitted to these believers through their spirit man. That's why David said "Not unto us" (Psalm 115:1). We are beacons of these great abilities but He is the source. As David also put it, in His light we have light (Psalm 36:9). And one of these abilities we possess is the unction to make things happen. 

The scripture tells us that God calls the dead alive and by His words they live (Roman's 4:17). In the same way, He has given us the liberty to make things happen. In Matthew 18, Jesus said whatever we bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and what we loose here shall be loosed over there too (v. 18). What this means is that God will approve whatever we see fit to declare. He said "as touching anything" (v. 19). 

Remember how Jesus cursed the fig tree and it dried up, we also have the power to do the same. Because whatever we declare shall be established.

So, tell me, what's been happening in your life that don't sit right with you? What evil and retrogressive pattern has overwhelmed your family for ages? Speak to it. Is it an illness? Declare it gone in Jesus Name. 

The beauty about this is that you don't have to wait, fretting to see if it would happen or not. All that matters is that you do your part in faith. David said taste and see that the Lord is good (Psalm 34:8). That means do your part and see God confirm His Word. Thus, if God said declare and see what you want to have come to be, then do so. Speak to all situations. Declare the horrible days over and your days of rejoicing begun. For even mountains shall be moved when we speak in faith (Mark 10:23).

Though you might not think so, but there is power in your tongue. Like a might rudder that can navigate a ship past the tides and into new lands, use yours to recreate experiences you would have in your life today.


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