You Are Blessed



- You Are Blessed

"Blessed be God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ." (Ephesians 1:3)

Your headedness status was settled long ago. It's in past tense. "...who has blessed us..." It's not something He's planning to do, or something your cries and prayers will make Him do. It's a plan He's already prepared for us who will come be in Christ. Verse 5 says this is because He had already predestined us to be HIS children even before we were born.

So God's agenda to change your story today isn't anything new. In fact, it's old news; settled long before you came into this world. Little wonder Isaiah said eyes have not seen what the Lord has prepared for those who love and wait for Him (Isaiah 64:4). Those who are the called according to His purpose. Because as Paul would write, those He predestined He called, and those He called He justified and glorified (Romans 8:30). 

Hence, you've been glorified. Let that resound in your head and let it be at the forefront of your thoughts. As you go out today, remember that you are a blessing, not a curse. A source of joy and hope, and never a burden. You are a solution and not a problem. God made it so and whatever He does is forever (Eccl 3:14).


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