Faith Trumps Over Fear



- Faith Trumps Over Fear 

"They that trust in the LORD shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abides forever" (Psalm 125:1)

There is only one proven way to overcome fear, and that is by putting a greater confidence in an entity you believe is superior to whatever scares you. For instance, consider a poor man who is jobless, broke and without a contingency, he's going to be scared to his bones whenever the mortgage payment is due. However, he stops being afraid of not being able to make payment the moment he gets notified he's won the lottery. He may not have the money in the bank just yet, but knowing the sum.won can swallow whatever challenges might be posed against him gives him the audacity to sleep with both eyes closed. 

Nevertheless, there is a source of confidence more reliable than the lottery, and things even wealth can't fully surmount. There are fears even the rich suffer; but there is a solution that overcomes all fear, and it is the knowledge of the perfect love God has for you. Because it fuels your faith to continuously stay in trust toward Him.

The Psalmist says that the man who dwells in God to understand this truth shall not be moved forever, shall not be afraid of evil tiding. Why? Because his heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord (Psalm 112:6-7). He can't stay afraid forever because he knows his God is bigger than his troubled. He knows his God can do beyond the basic things he need for a little respite. Because he knows his God can do exceeding abundantly above his present needs or beyond his borders of fear.

In fact, how we see God determines how easily things scare us. Consider the Hebrew fellows in Babylon. Even death couldn't give them the jitters. Once you understand whom your God is, you'd know that there's nothing any man or entity can do to hurt you unopposed. Remember what Isaiah said, if your heart is stdyed on God, He keeps you in perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3). In a place where you fear no fear. 

"What shall we then say to thes things? If God be for us, who can be against us? Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us." (Roman's 8:31,37)


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