Destined For Glory



- Destined For Glory

"...and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified" (Roman's 8:30)

Prior to that verse, Paul was trying to explain how things always work together for the good of those who are the called according to His purpose.

Well, guess what? You are the called. I am. Jesus said no one can come to Him except the Father draws him or her (John 6:44). A process Peter describes as being called forth  out of darkness (1 Peter 2:9). So as many of us who are now saved were called out of darkness to His marvelous light; and so our theme scripture applies to us.

Therefore, know that God has a life of glory packaged for you. A life of possibilities and change of story experiences. It may look like that's not possible judging from your present situation, but it isn't, believe me. 

Let me tell you a story: There was a time I was out of a job for more than a year. I had no money, and each day my worries grew. It was hard staying strong in faith to keep writing these devotionals, but God gave me the strength to. A prolonged sickness had made me quit my last job, and now there was nothing. I kept applying for job openings but nothing. It was so bad that I could even say I was depressed. One day, I got a call from an old buddy who suggested we start a company and would pay me till we got established. The funny thing is that his offer was more than double what I was earning in my previous job. What am I trying to say? While I was busy worrying that my life was going grey, God was preparing the sun to brighten it up again. In the most remarkable way at that. 

And that's how I know He will lift you up again. Because in His eyes, you are made for glory. To live like a chosen people and not a destitute. 

You see, He may not use the route you expect just as I never expected that buddy of mine to be His medium to bring me to the position He had in mind, but He will do what He's promised. And since He promised glorification, that's what He will give you. He's put His reputation on the line. So He will. 2 Chronicles 16 says His eyes are everywhere, searching to show Himself strong on our behalf (v. 9). He did the same with Abraham, Isaac, Israel, David, Jesus; He will it for you it. For as the scripture says, "as He [Jesus] is, do are we in this world (1 John 4:17). So did He glorify Jesus? Yes. Hence, He will glorify you too. Just trust Him and keep expecting it, because it will happen. And soon.


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