Always Remember That God Will Take Care Of You



- Always Remember That God Will Take Care Of You

"For thou hast been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat, when the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall." (Isaiah 25:4)

During a typhoon or a hurricane, people evacuate cities because there's a tendency that even the bulkiest infrastructure might be pulled down by the intensity of the storm. That's how the enemy attacks, intensely and fiercely, but in all of this, Isaiah says He stays as a strength we need to pull through the storm. He did it then, and even now He will.

A songwriter says God can do it again. He has done it before. You may not know how, you may not know when but He will do it again. In other words, there's nothing you desire of God right now that He hasn't given proofs to show He can do it. The testimonies He gave you in time past is the evidence of the ones He can give you in time to come. 

This is why I admonish to fill your heart with thanks instead of complaints. I know things sometimes might seem hard and hopeless in some cases that you don't know where you are headed; but you have to remember who your God is. Daniel wrote that those who know Him shall be strong (Dan 11:32). And Isaiah tells us that the strong glorify Him (Isaiah 25:3). They don't fret even though there's enough reasons to be fretful. Rather they transmute all that negative energy into something positive. Gratitude. And this they do by rememebering.

That's exactly what I also want you to do. Remember. Remember what God has done for you and use that energy regenerated to believe He can do much more. You see, faith is like a muscle, and just as exercise is essential to keep it toned, the consciousness of God's ability is how you keep faith refired toward a larger 'flame' of possibilities. The more we remember what He has done, the better we will believe for what He can do. And we know He will because He says it. His Word affirms it.

In our theme scripture, the prophet gives us a picture of what God has done and afterwards He tells us what He will do (see v. 6-9). When the Bible says "In this mountain", it connotes Zion, our place of fellowship with God. So as long as we stay in fellowship with Him, this will be. 

Like Psalm 112 says, because we stay upright in our fellowship with God, light must arise in the darkness (v. 4). Similar to the words in Isaiah 60:1 and Proverbs 4:18.

Hence, knowing this, rejoice now because you shall rejoice soon. God will wipd away all your tears and will take off every covering of shame cast upon you by your present situation. It's going to happen, but you need to let Him help you survive the storm till then. And you do that through thanksgiving. But to give thanks, you must first remember. So, remember.


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