Staying Guaranteed of Rewards (2)



- Staying Guaranteed of Rewards (2)

"And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the LORD thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth." (Deut 28:1)

3. Trust In The Lord: The Bible says no one who trusts in the Lord shall ever be put to shame (Psalm 34:22). Trusting God is the greatest proof of faith. It reflects where God stands to you in the grand schemes of things. It says that you know He is all He says He is and will bank your everything on that truth. And no man who makes God bigger than all things in his heart can ever be crowded out into obscurity. Because God will always make a place for him or her at the apex of the pyramid of honour. Proverbs 3:5-6 says that when we trust in Him, He will constantly direct us. To where? To places where rewards can be harvested. In Psalm 37, David called this position one where He shall give you the desires of your heart (3-9).

4. Don't Be Stingy With God: Another way of staying guaranteed of rewards is to be liberal in your giving toward the things of God. Proverbs 3:9-10 affirms that when we honour God with our substance He causes us to be overflown with abundance. Similar to what Paul attested to. 2 Corinthians 9 says he that sows bountifully shall be increased because God is able to grant him so much grace to live in all sufficiency. In other words, when you invest where God's heart beats toward, you'd be ensuring yours never skip a beat. Now tell me, if God can give you everything, why would you ever want to keep anything from Him?

5. Pursue Wisdom: Wisdom ensures we make the right moves, which in return guarantees we never end up without rewards. Verse 14-15 of Proverbs 3 describes it as more valuable than the most coveted array of jewelry, and v. 16 says it holds the key to longevity in its right hand and riches in the left. Therefore when you pursue after wisdom, you can never be left empty-handed because its hands are never empty. They bear rewards for all who would seek after it. And how do we attain wisdom? By learning more, and learning in the light of God. Job said that living in reverence to God is the starting point of all wisdom (Job 28:28).

Hence if you'd practice these steps every day of your life, you will constantly enjoy experiences that guarantee you of rewards.


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