Make It Count



- Make It Count

"...for this purpose came I into the world..." (John 18:37)

These words of Jesus resonate with the very idea that we were not brought into this world by mistake. The idea of designation and predestination. In other words, there was a purpose that engendered your being born. There's something God has prepared you for. Like any good old product, there's a need that must be met, a demand that must be supplied. 

Every producer produces against an already established need. Leaving nothing to chance; if not profit wouldn't be highly assured. So they run their feasibility studies to ensure an advantageous purpose can be ascertained before such a product is put out. Even big corporations like Coca Cola know that we might need a gulp of sugar after an exhausting day, so a drink to enhance glucose availability in the body system was designed and has been meeting that need for centuries, guaranteeing generational profits. In the same way, God never creates anything without a purpose in mind. Including us.

Thus, the question then becomes: What am I here for? What's that thing I was designed for? It doesn't have to be a huge or extra significant endeavor, it just has to be what God made us for. That's efficiency. Doing what you are meant to do how you were meant to do it.

So how can we know what we were meant to do? The Holy Spirit. He will teach us. Isaiah says He will constantly show us what we ought to be doing (Isaiah 30:21). John highlights how He tells us of things we'd never have known (1 John 2:27). So the Holy Spirit will gradually reveal our path to us as we continue to walk with Him. Then after this revelation, we've got to make it count.

Jesus knew what He was meant to do and lived His entire life living in that light. He breathed that purpose and did nothing that wasn't to enhance it. That should be your mindset as well. Pursue what you were meant and designed to do till it's done efficiently. Dedicate your life to its uttermost fulfilment. And don't stop till you're certain God will be proud of all you've achieved.

In the end of a fiscal year such companies like Coca Cola judge their enterprise successful only when the intended target has been met. Similarly, there's something God wants achieved through your life on the earth, and you can only be judged a success in His eyes once that's been done. Hence, make it count; this chance, this opportunity to be and to do exactly all you were created for. Wake up and live in light of that purpose.


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