Let The Spirit Be Your Guide



- Let The Spirit Be Your Guide

"And if you leave God's paths and go astray, you will hear a Voice behind you say, "No, this is the way; walk here." (Isaiah 30:21 TLB)

If there's one thing I've chosen to do, it is never to be hypocritical. And to tell you I'm some perfect chap every minute of the day would be hypocritical because I'm not. In fact, the only reason I'm still here is because God won't let me go. He lovingly comes back to pick me up when I fall. And fall I do very often, at least within the realm of my mind, doubting and all the sorts. But He never lets me go. The Holy Spirit whispers to bring me back to the right path, and when I stubbornly won't listen He roars and drags me out of my spiritual Egypt as scripture says He does (Hosea 11:10-11, Isaiah 11:15-16). And that's why I'm still here. Not of my doing nor making but His, and that's why like David we say "Not unto me, not unto me, but unto you be all glory O Lord" (Psalms 115:1). So if this blog has transformed your life, that's on Him not me. Because there were multiple times I'd decided to quit this blog but at each time He would whisper or send a sign. The only thing is that most times I listened. I let myself be guided back to the light.

Which is very important because God can't change a life except it wants to be changed. He can't lead a man unless he desires to be led. Similarly, the Holy Spirit is always ready to guide us as we should go in life but we have to want to be guided first. We have to be ready to follow. He will never force us to His side. We have to be the ones to choose. As with Moses, He will set before us life and death and can only advice us to choose life. He won't compel us because He's given us freewill, and freewill is the only reason we will be judged independently. Because with it we can choose the outcome we get.

Thus, I'm telling you to listen, to let Him guide you, to choose His ways. He's a Standby, and so is ready whenever you are. It doesn't matter how long you've gone in the wrong direction, the day you say you're ready He will start the walk with you back to redemption. And it can be right now. It should be. If you're reading this right now and you know you've not been living in His will recently, if you're being honest you'd also acknowledge that there's been that whisper in your inside calling you to return to the light. Well, that's the voice of the Spirit. It'd be best to hearken. Say yes to Him and let Him guide back to the light. However, there are those you might say "I'm in His perfect will already". Well, good, but don't relent. Let Him guide you in everything you do. Everything. Including things others think is petty. Like who you date, what you eat, where you go. Make Him the greatest factor behind your choices. This is most important, because He wants full participation in all facets of your life, both the little and the big things.


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