As You Say It, You See It


- As You Say It, You See It

"Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee..." (Job 22:28)

If you knew how much power you have as a believer, you'd never belittle yourself. The scripture tells us that the same power that created the world and raised Jesus from the grave dwells richly in you. Do you know what that means? Simple. You possess the power of a world maker and a world changer within you.

In other words, you can shape and reshape your world to your taste. The external world might be in chaos but your immediate world would be a haven of peace. That's how Isaiah puts it (Isaiah 60:1-3). And He also reveals how it is possible. Isaiah 61 says this is because the Spirit of the Lord is upon thee. He (the Spirit) gives spiritual credence and power to our every word.

So when we talk, we aren't just talking, we are shaping possibilities. Little wonder why Paul advised us to focus only on positive thoughts (Philippians 4:8). Because by your words, you'll make or mar your world (Matt 12:37). However the point here is that you can make your life better. And you can start by declaring it to reality.

In Mark 11, after Peter found the tree Jesus had cursed dried up, he wondered how it was possible. Jesus in response to him taught us a big lesson: He said, paraphrased, Have faith in God. When you pray, do it in faith. When you speak words of blessings and affirmation upon your life, do it in faith (v. 22-24). Words of power are words backed by faith. 

Thus, right there where you are, believing in your heart, begin to design your life into the way you desire it via your words. Speak in faith and watch it come to fruition. Remember you have the power of a world maker and a world changer in you; hence use your words to your advantage, because as you say it, that's exactly how you'll see it.


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