Your Miracles Are In Your Hands



- Your Miracles Are In Your Hands

"All things are possible if you can believe..." (Mark 9:23)

Note, the emphasis is on You. You are the defining factor in the world of miracles. Not God. And I'll show you how.

Miracles are 50/50. What this means is that we have a huge role to play. You see, miracles are not a big deal to God, just to us. It's everly in His atmosphere as oxygen is in ours. Yet a working mechanism is required if we are to obtain it with ease. 

However, regarding oxygen, many, though, humans still can't absorb it directly due to one congenital mishap or another. Very painful it is. But such that not all of us can as readily get what has been made hugely available. The same applies to miracles. God does and grants platforms/seeds for miracles daily. As the scripture says He daily loads us with benefits (Psalm 68:19). The problem is that we have not grown the capacity to receive.

Jesus said "According to your faith, be it unto you." (Matthew 9:29). So the problem isn't a matter of provision but one of reception. Not a question of what God's capable of giving, but one of what we are able to accept through faith into reality. As such if we can position ourselves to receive in faith, we'd always experience miracles at all levels of our lives.

For example, consider everyone Jesus healed; other than a few, they all played a part. The woman with the issue of blood believed enough to go after Him. The woman with the misaligned vertebrae never stopped visiting the temple. She was anticipating a change, and it did come. At the wedding in Cana also, the servants had a role to play. And this role was dependent on their faith. There could as well have been no miracle, but they trusted in His Word and did all He commanded.

In the same vein, without works faith is dead. It is the corresponding actions of faith that prove what we've always believed. And these actions are the roles we play. 

So are you sick? Don't stay in bed. Either go to those who will pray for you in anticipation of answered prayers, or do it yourself, commanding your body to total health. What matters is that your actions align not with what the symptoms say but with what Jesus has said can be. 

Hence, your miracle is in your hands. Not God's. God is ever reliable. If this were maths, He'd be a constant. We are the variables. What we choose to do are the variables. And since it's the variables that almost often determine the outcome of the equation, what we do is what will determine the outcome of this problem. Thus, like those servants in Cana, choose to express your faith in obedience. Choose to trust His Word  Choose to bring forth a constant rain of miracles by doing what He expects of us. The availability is there, the platform for them is set, all you have to do is activate them and this you do by engaging each day and circumstance with and in faith.


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