You Don't Have All The Time In The World



- You Don't Have All The Time In The World

"All of us must quickly carry out the tasks assigned us by the one who sent me, for there is little time left before the night falls and all work comes to an end." (John 9:4 TLB)

There is a reason why you are here right there where you are. You might not know it, I might not, but there is and God knows it, because it was His plan. There is a reason why you are still alive today. Perhaps you're like me who has narrowly escaped death a couple of times and keep wondering "what for?" Well, this is what it's for. To fulfil the reason you were made.

And the thing is we don't have all the time in the world anymore. We could go anytime -- in a year, ten, a hundred, yet all that matters is if we did what God made us to do. The night will always come regardless of how hot and bright the sun shines, and as Jesus stated in the theme verse everything will come to an end. Death will come, work will end and we will cease to be -- at least as mortals. So, what is the essence of it all? That we were a significant part of God's masterpiece. That's how we victoriously get out of the labyrinth of suffering in this present world. By living a life that fulfils God's plans for us on the earth. And we have to start now. 

Jesus only had thirty three years and He did it all. All the Father wanted of Him. How many years you got? I don't know,and believe you don't either. But here's one thing you can be certain of: no matter how long or short that may be, it is sufficient time to do all God wants of you if you're willing. It's enough time to leave a mark on this world. Enough time to be in fullness the best version of yourself as God intend d it to be from the beginning. And I believe you can. I believe you can now.


  1. So true!! Was listening to a sermon about offenses and how delicate our destiny’s are. And that our daily decisions and reactions can mess with our destiny. But that also God can restore it as well.


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